Evangelista Edgar Cruz


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The Wandering Evangelist


An End Times Conservative Christian Ministry; Scripture for earthly needs, Worldly News Scripturally reviewed, all with a focus on providing a simple means for evangelism anyone can easily undertake, and enjoy, while growing in their own Faith. Contact information is in each video. This channel is not monetized, Twe (The Wandering Evangelist) does not accept donations, there are no sponsor adverts... just Spiritual and Earthly affairs, attempting unusual depth of perception.



An Australian musician who has performed in several international countries. Her interest in music initiated at the age of 12 and expeditiously grew with the love of the electric guitar, excelling her to winning Queen of Strings Best Female Guitarist In the World at the age of 17, competing with a gallery of international artists, being judged by Orianthi, Nik West and Jennifer Batten. Her career grew steadfastly from this point, with a multitude of regional and national performances in Australia, consequently creating interest and mentoring by major artists, such as Mr Kevin Borich, Mr Geoff Achison and the likes of the international greats Mr Steve Vai, Mr Carlos Santana, Mr Jose Feliciano, Ms Cindy Blackman and many others, who were amazed by her playing style. Evangelista’s explosive electric guitar playing style will shiver your musical spine and her melodic piano touch will comfort and soothe your soul. Certainly a superstar you will appreciate and who will foreva be in mind.