Thought Upgrades for a Better You


This channel will tackle multiple subject matters that deal with motivational, spiritual, political, practical, etc... I want to help others move towards better ways of thinking on a personal level and consideration on a public level. I do not claim to know all the answers nor do I claim that everyone must agree with my point of view. However, I believe there are truths I have learned that can help those that would choose to learn from my studies, successes, mistakes and journey. Join me so we can discover Transformational Truths. Ideas that canliterally change the trajectory of your life.

Palavras Sagradas


The Sacred Words channel is an excellent option for those who wish to explore Christian spirituality through the teachings of Christ and the Psalms. With a clear, captivating, and deeply spiritual approach, this channel is a valuable source of wisdom and inspiration for those seeking to connect with their faith on a deeper level. The content of the channel includes prayers, biblical reflections, teachings of Christ, and readings from the Psalms, presented in a way that is easily understandable and accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about the Bible or their religious practice.(O canal Palavras Sagradas é uma excelente opção para aqueles que desejam explorar a espiritualidade cristã por meio dos ensinamentos de Cristo e dos Salmos. Com uma abordagem clara, cativante e profundamente espiritual, este canal é uma fonte valiosa de sabedoria e inspiração para aqueles que buscam se conectar com sua fé de maneira mais profunda. O conteúdo do canal inclui preces, reflexões bíblicas, ensinamentos de Cristo e leituras dos Salmos, apresentados de uma forma que é facilmente compreensível e acessível para qualquer pessoa, independentemente do seu nível de conhecimento sobre a Bíblia ou da sua prática religiosa).