As a Reiki Master and owner of my own modality Aurora Mistica (r). I enjoy the use of energy in helping put smiles around the world. I have been offering Remote Reiki Distance Healing online since 2001. I also love pretty much anything creative. Through the years I have been programming physical products remotely with Good Vibe Reiki and/ or Aurora Mistica (r). All my videos are imbued with distance healing energy. Some videos include visible as well as Subliminal Affirmations. I also design print on demand products which also are energetically enhanced.



The WriterDojo is different than most other writing advice podcasts out there- our primary purpose is to cut through all the bad advice and help you tell stories that people want to read (& get you paid in the process.) This is advice on becoming a Professional Writer from two very knowledgeable Professional Writers- Steve Diamond & Larry Correia. Readers will find plenty of interesting tidbits as well and may come away with new insights into what goes into creating the stories they love and a new appreciation for writing of all sorts.

Dan Wos - Good Gun Bad Guy


Dan Wos / Bio: Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the "Good Gun Bad Guy” - book series. He is a contributing writer for AmmoLand News, Daily Caller, Truth About Guns and several other publications. Dan can be found on radio stations across the Country speaking on behalf of gun-rights and exposing the strategies of the anti-gun crowd. Dan is also the Host of "The Loaded Mic" and has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, NRATV and many others.