Your Storyteller Monty 🔥


This channel is your own and you will get the story of every variety like !! heart touching story like you, So please like and subscribe my channel for enjoyment And also like and subscribe my other channel For News Updates For Comedy and Entertainment For Best Story About Human For Baby World Stories that make you crazy, Silent Crush, Love trends, Love me please, A billion dollar wife, Truly deeply medley, Horror series, unfaithful love, Girlfriend who is neither mine nor anyone else's, tragedy story, Drama Story, Comedy Story, Witch and ghosts Story and much more, Stay connected with us to know more hope you like my stories you will get 1 to 2 story daily And please like and subscribe my channel #shorts #story #storytime #stories #hearttouchingstorylikeyou #Storiesthatmakeyoucrazy #SilentCrush #Lovetrends #Lovemeplease #Abilliondollarwife #Trulydeeplymedley #Horrorseries #unfaithfullove #Girlfriendwhoisneitherminenoranyoneelse's #tragedystory #DramaStory #ComedyStory #WitchandghostsStoryandmuchmore #shorts

eBay clothing reseller since 2018


Top rated Reseller of anything that makes me a profit on eBay and Mercari. I started this journey of reselling in 2019 things started off slow but I was making head way and sales. Then I planned on scaling up the business in 2020 then everything got locked down ( you know why) so I kinda slowed down too. But in late 2020 I sold everything including my home, and all my eBay inventory and moved to a new state. Join me as I build my reselling business from 0 to Full-time. I'm a part time reseller that picks yard sales, dream deals, and Goodwill's to buy under valued goods to resell on eBay and Mercari. Come along with me as I try to make my side hustle my main hustle! Thanks for watching!

The Story Teller


Max was born in a library, surrounded by books from all over the galaxy. His gypsy soul never stayed in one place for very long as he traveled the universe, having many great adventures, all while lying on the carpet floor in the living room. His story telling abilities have been compared to Robert Patterson and Tom Clancy, without all the boring details. Today he lives in a hanger just north of Houston, Texas where he soars through the clouds on Wings of Gold, writing and telling wonderful stories.



*If you enjoy this channel please consider buying me a a coffee, your donations help make the channel possible :) GAMER AND STORYTELLER. If you LOVE Space games like Star Citizen, No Mans Sky, Elite Dangerous as well as Indie games and Early Access presented in a "Unique Theatrical Style" ;) "May" enjoy the channel...Welcome Friend :) I have a 2nd channel dedicated to Storytelling called Spooky Mysteries, here is that channels link if you are interested (Its brand new so please have a look, like, sub and share...this ones a passion project of mine :) Spooky Mysteries:

AI Tales - Stories from the Future


Welcome to AI Tales, where we bring you captivating stories from the future, narrated by our AI Storyteller. From dystopian worlds to utopian societies, from time travel to space exploration, our stories will take you on a journey to different realms of imagination and wonder. Our AI Storyteller is powered by the latest advancements in AI technology, and it creates stories that are both engaging and thought-provoking. So sit back, relax, and let the AI Tales take you on a journey to the future. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting stories from the world of AI storytelling.