Matthew Serafin - Oahu Hawaii Real Estate Agent


Matthew Serafin is an Oahu Real Estate Agent, a Residential and Relocations specialist with eXp Realty LLC. Serving the Greater Oahu communities. Allow him to sell your home for more in less time utilizing modern marketing strategies or allow him to lock arms with you in pursuit of your new home. CONTACT ME: Call / Text: 808. 725. 3098 Email: 💥 Follow me on Social Media 💥 → Instagram: → Facebook: → LinkedIN:

Suomi YAHUSHUALLE – AITOJA Lopunajan Profetioita

11 Followers Pelastusrukous: "4. huhtikuuta 1994 ALEPH & TAV AMIGHTYWIND RUACH HA KODESH HOLY FIRE Last Chance -palvelutyö synnytettiin verkossa apostoli, profeetta Elisheva Eliyahun kautta. Yli 30 vuoden ajan tämä messiaanis-juutalais-helluntailainen palvelutyö on julistanut YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'N evankeliumia ja tuonut miljoonia sieluja YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'LLE, JOKA on TIE, TOTUUS ja ELÄMÄ (Joh. 14:6). YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH on AINOA NIMI, jonka kautta pelastuu – parannuksenteon ja synneistään pois kääntymisen kautta (Ap. t. 4:12). Me emme ole 'kerran pelastunut, aina pelastunut' -tyyppinen palvelutyö. Sillä YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH sanoo: 'Miksi te sanotte MINULLE: "HERRA, HERRA!" ettekä tottele MINUA?' (Luuk. 6:46) Ja että jos rakastamme HÄNTÄ, meidän täytyy pitää HÄNEN käskynsä (Joh. 14:15)."

Invest In Yahuah


Invest in Yahuah is a unique finance platform rooted in biblical principles, designed to help believers navigate the financial world with faith and wisdom. Our mission is to empower the community with tools and insights that align with Yahuah’s teachings, fostering a deeper understanding of how to manage wealth in a way that honors Him. On this platform, you'll find resources on faith-based investing, financial stewardship, and wealth-building strategies that are grounded in Scripture. We offer a supportive community where like-minded individuals can learn, grow, and invest together. Whether you're new to investing or looking to deepen your financial knowledge, we provide the guidance and support you need to align your financial journey with your faith. Join us and take the first step toward a prosperous future that glorifies Yahuah. For personalized guidance, we offer one-on-one consultations to help you develop a financial strategy that’s right for you.

Yahuah Rapha


Yahuah Rapha is a biblically centered, health & wellness platform by Living For Yahuah ministry, dedicated to agriculture, farming, gardening, and naturopathic healing, serving the nation of Yasharal & the diaspora. Our channel is dedicated to understanding healing and wholesome living by exploring the profound concept of "Yahuah Rapha"—Yahuah our Healer—and what it means for believers today. Join us as we use the scriptures to dive deep into physical & spiritual healing, uncovering the truth about plant uses & profiles, and exploring practical practices that can transform your health journey. Each video is crafted to strengthen your faith, provide valuable biblical insights, and guide you toward experiencing the full power of Yahuah’s healing. Ready to take your spiritual and physical healing journey to the next level? Reach out to us for one-on-one consultations tailored to your unique needs. Let’s walk this path of healing together. Let Yahuah Heal You!



I believe the Scriptures is a love story between the Creator of the universe and His people; the union of the Bridegroom and His Bride. I understand the Commandments to be wedding vows, and therefore i obey them as an expression of my love towards my Beloved. I do not observe the Torah in order to be saved but rather because we are saved. I now desire to be obedient to the Covenant, as I believe Yahshua desires a spotless bride without blemish. Saved by grace through faith, I await His return, seeking righteousness by being filled with the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), and being a light unto the world. Natsarim Yashar'el RMR