with Justin Vanderwende


What's Happenin' Baby!? My name is Justin and I am the host of the What's Happenin' Baby!? show! The overall show is all about having fun and entertainment! Also, be sure to subscribe to our backup channel, link below, in case something should ever happen to this channel. You can follow me at the following places: Site: https://whatshappeninbaby.com YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWY8k5f1Q1DUKNr7_vo8YaA Backup YoutTube Channel: What's Happenin' Baby 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0g4xNFs5U39PDt0iMzJlQ Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-1130253 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/jvanderbaby Welcome!

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How the author of genesis know what happened at creation before he was even created


PROBLEM:TraditionalChristianscholarshiphasmaintainedthatthefirstfivebooksof theBiblewerewrittenbyMoses.ThefirsttwochaptersoftheBookofGenesisread asaneyewitnessaccountoftheeventsofcreation.However,howcouldMoses,or anymanforthatmatter,writethesechaptersasifhewereaneyewitnesssincehe wouldnothaveexistedatthetime? SOLUTION:Ofcourse,therewasaneyewitnessofcreation—God,theCreator.These chaptersareobviouslyarecordofcreationwhichGodspecificallyreportedtoMoses bywayofspecialrevelation.Thetendencytoaskquestionslike,“Howdidthe chroniclerknowthatmineralsprecededplantsandplantsprecededanimals?”betrays anantisupernaturalbiasandarefusaltoconsideralternativeexplanationsotherthan thoseproposedbynaturalisticscience.