Great Leaders Require Great Communication You will sell more, be more persuasive, become a formidable negotiator, all by learning the art of communication and emotional intelligence. About – John English Internationally speaker, consultant, businessman, and published author John English is a student of human behaviour spanning several decades. His experiences, education, and insight as well as studies into the fields of neuroscience and NLP provides a solid platform in assisting people find inner peace and achieve success in every facet of life. He also had the distinct honour of learning directly from some of the world’s foremost mentors and guides, including Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, John Grinder, and many others. Experience John English has been an accomplished corporate trainer for years, helping employees and executives improve their skills in public speaking, sales strategies and techniques, negotiation tactics,

Van terugslag tot terugkoms: hoe EazyTradeHub jou besigheid kan help om weer op te staan


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