English in Crimea/Английский язык в Крыму Verified

1 Follower

This channel has children's content used in our English School. It has videos from the Russian Federation Ministry of Education that are used for teaching English. - AmericanCrimea (our streams about life and tourism in Crimea) - AmericanCrimeaInterviews (our regular Saturday live streams) - InfoWarPress (our streams on Information Warfare and Propaganda) You can support our work through donations at: https://boosty.to/americancrimea (US/Ruble) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kmichelizzi (US/Europe) https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100115724924424 https://americancrimea.locals.com/support BitCoin: 3CmFVh5fCCbobNzdxGrGP2BuK3sQ5iSqxG

Don't wait for tomorrow

1 Follower

This channel is about improving people's lives through motivation, inspiration and education, from the high achievers of the world. Our goal is to keep you motivated so that you can achieve your goals and follow your dreams. We are working hard to make your day better and push you to be your best! Whether you're studying, working out, or just feeling unmotivated, we have the Motivational Video for you!. Motivation is what will get you started, but it's the consistent work, day in and day out, that will create measurable value in your life! Happy journey. :)

Cutest and funniest animals are waiting for you on the channel


Hello, dear friends😊👋the cutest and funniest animals are waiting for you on the channel!🐈🐕 Videos with cats and dogs will cheer you up and help you get rid of fatigue!😊 To create our funny and cute videos, we use videos sent by channel subscribers😇, as well as video from the group in Instagram😌. The video is processed, filters, music and sound effects are applied to cheer up the viewers of the channel. Funny and cute dogs, cats, monkeys, dolphins, horses, parrots, elephants, lizards, hamsters and many other animals are waiting for you in the video.😁 Cool videos with cats, dogs and other animals will be released every day! Don't forget to subscribe and like!👍☝️

Kelner z Manhattanu


Jestem kelnerem z Manhattanu, a dokładniej z małej miejscowości w Polsce i jestem dumny ze swojego pochodzenia. Obecnie mieszkam w Nowym Jorku i pokazuję Wam jak wygląda tutaj życie. Opowiadam też ciekawostki z restauracji i pracy kelnera, oraz zabieram Was w podróże, których z biegiem czasu mam nadzieję, że będzie więcej. Mam sporo planów i pomysłów na całą serię odcinków, ale na to potrzebuję oczywiście więcej czasu i finansów. Krok po kroku dojdziemy do tego razem! :D Pozdrawiam!