Collapse Survivor


This channel and corresponding app is the best place for news, and more, about events that are concerning and have a chance of causing great harm to the population. Our expert team consists of Air Force/Navy/Army veterans, NSA employees, authorities on prepping, and more. We have an app and website which will provide more in-depth information including threat alerts, news, weekly military-style exercise simulations to improve your survival skills, and other features.



Nascemos após, nossos fundadores notarem que, “ESTILOS” estavam acima das amizades por onde eles passavam, pensando nisso, o NORTH VOLKS NASCEU PARA ABRAÇAR A TODOS, SEM PRECONCEITOS MESQUINHOS, sendo o Primeiro Clube desse Gênero somente de Volks derivados de Fuscas. Com essa premissa, o NORTH VOLKS nasceu com o desejo de reunir todos os Volks antigos, derivados do Fusca (sendo à AR ou NÃO), sob um único teto, ultrapassou todas as fronteiras do Rio de Janeiro, nos dias de hoje, possui membros espalhados pelos quatro cantos do estado, mantendo o nome que, possibilitou a felicidade e alegria de todos da Família North Volks até hoje ! . Nosso lema é, se você ama seu Volks, seja muito bem vindo e o resto … “QUE SE FUSCA” Fabiano Cigano, Fundador .

Tejano Volunteer Company


Our main goal here at TVC is to bring a state-wide, renewed awareness and interest to the Texas revolutionaries of our past. Those early Freedom Fighters, both Tejanos and Texians, men and women, fought for freedom and were part of that historical struggle that we remember as the Texas Revolution. We're going to do this by telling their stories. These heroes require recognition and respect, and the best way we can do that is to remember them by telling their stories. And then re-telling them. We bring you all those stories of our heroes and events in an effort that these stories may someday become common knowledge to all Texans, young and old. So share these stories with your friends and family. Texas heroes are due that much. Support Texas History; follow us here by hitting the FOLLOW button and the NOTIFICATION BELL so you won't miss any of our videos. And Thank you again for following and supporting our channel, Tejano Volunteer Company.