MrTurbodiesel/RootDiesel, Inc.


Hello everybody & welcome to the homepage of MrTurbodiesel! I'd like to talk about Diesel vehicles & share some of the trucks that I can share with you in my videos. Some videos can tell you about which diesel vehicles which to buy & which ones not to buy. You may know when that you go to a mechanic, They will upcharge you for the costs of Bad diesel engine repair & mistakes. Don't Worry! We've got you covered! Also, We do a Roblox diesel truck build & preview (behind the scenes) videos too. Watch our videos on diesel vehicles & more!

Predator Inc


Predator Inc. is a family owned company that was founded in the mid 1990’s as an exclusive Hummer Performance Shop and Hummer Accessory Manufacturer. Our in-house teams of highly trained techs are fully dedicated to Research & Development, Duramax / Cummin conversions, Performance Tuning, and Custom Fabrication at our full-service facilities located in San Diego, CA & Hudson, FL to meet the needs of any customers H1, H2, H3, and HMMWV Hummers. Predator Inc. is recognized as the #1 progressive leader in performance, innovation, high-quality products, and services for the H1, H2, H3, and HMMWV hummers in the world!