Anmarie Uber Truthmeter


My name is Anmarie Uber and I thrive on delivering uncompromised Truth on all levels. I feel like my most important work was uncovering what we are in and how to get out of here when we die. My motto is question everything, and never forget that you are limitless, powerful and free! No controller in virtual reality stands a chance against you when you rid yourself of the mind programs and fear and stand in your power. I am an author, instructor, intuitive & Astro-Numero-Tarologist who has practiced for well over 30 years. You can follow the links below to find out more about me or book a personal Reading/Healing session. (This channel is for entertainment purposes only and all statements made herein are "alleged" and /or opinion based. The host of this channel or any affiliate is not responsible and does not necessarily support the views of any guest. Anyone who chooses to speak on this channel agrees to take full responsibility for their statements.)

Ari Gold Experience


This podcast based youtube channel will produce the video version of the podcast that is shot in our podcast studio in Los Angeles. Ari Gold Experience podcast will encompass both monologue and dialogue conversations from all walks of life and space and their story on the subject of life, awareness and the space that each one of us shares in our own unique way in our own parallel reality as one collective consciousness. The core of the podcast will be conscious, unfiltered and crude humor, which will be embedded in each and every episode to deliver knowledge and entertainment effortlessly and intuitively. Enjoy the show beautiful people and let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s roll this bitch together as one. Stay Vibey, Much Love, - Ari Gold

Charisma News


About Charisma News Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective To passionate, Spirit-filled Christians, Charisma News is the most trusted source for credible news and insight from a charismatic perspective. Since 1975, Charisma magazine has reported on what the Holy Spirit is doing around the world. That award-winning news coverage quickly became the calling card for the magazine, as believers from across denominations turned to Charisma for the latest stories related to"life in the Spirit." In the 1990s and 2000s, Charisma continued to lead the way for Christian news outlets through such vehicles as a news wire service, television news specials and a robust website. Today Charisma News has developed into its own brand under the Charisma umbrella, offering breaking news coverage 24/7 in every digital format available. Just as Charisma magazine is the voice of the charismatic movement, Charisma News is the go-to source for believers who want the latest news delivered with trusted insight from a Spirit-filled perspective.



Throughout this summer a tour is unfolding. Hosts; Patriot Street Fighter Scott McKay, and Human rights attorney Leigh Dundas present the tour. Pop up appearances and talks to bring energising topical conversations around truth, love, health, human rights, and constitutional freedom. Joined by international leader of consciousness in action, Sacha Stone who will be making guest appearances - meet, greet, and raise frequencies! The movement expresses not only our constitutional human rights but the importance of ensuring all our future aligns with honour and integrity and brings love, liberty, pure truth and right action! Join in the historical conversation! Take part in the important time in our collective history. When we stand together, firm, conscious, in sovereignty we can be the change we need to see in the world. The time is NOW, the Movement is HERE.

HTRAOC - Parish Priest: Protopresbyter Constantin Alecse


Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Issues Video-Channel - Religious Education & Contemporary Challenges And Issues Video-Channels: The Holy Trinity Romanian American Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, in its quest of helping its faithful, and other interested people, Orthodox and non-Orthodox, in learning and growing more in the Orthodox Faith, its Liturgical practices, and Contemporary Challenges and Issues in Today’s post-Christian Society, the Parish Office established two (2) platforms on the RUMBLE social networks: 1). Religious Education Video-Channel - 2). Contemporary Issues Video-Channel - *** 1A. First Channel [Religious Education Video-Channel] is dedicated to showcasing the Orthodox faith by presenting interviews and sermons of orthodox hierarchs, priests, monks and various theologians, from around the world, on interesting contemporary matters and topics, on church related themes: History & Teachings of the Church, Religious Education, Sermons, Bible Study, Sunday Schools & Retreats, etc. 2A. Second Channel [Contemporary Issues Video-Channel] contains video-documentaries and Testimonials dealing, among others, with the following themes: • Today’s Society Contemporary Challenges and Issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art. • Contemporary moral issues related to the lack of peace and harmony, decrease in trust, an increase in crime and unethical behavior, murder, theft, rape, lying, and breaking promises, abortion, euthanasia, capital punishment, sexual morality, genetic engineering, economic inequality, global warming, welfare and social justice and a breakdown of social cohesion. • Contemporary Ethical issues: autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence. Each person has the right to make its own decisions based on its own beliefs and values. These issues, addressed above, and many more, are influencing religious identity and authority; the personal and the private; marriage and family; influences on and use of time, money and other personal resources; the quality and value of life; questions of right and wrong; equality and difference; conflict and violence and global issues. *** ENGLISH CHANNELS Religious Education Video-Channel - Contemporary Challenges and Issues - Holy Trinity Church on FaceBook - ROMANIAN CHANNELS Educatia Religioasa [Canal Video]: Provocări Contemporate [Canal Video]: Biserica Sf. Treime pe FaceBook: *** Disclaimer: The above-stated Channels belong to the Holy Trinity Romanian American Orthodox Church (, a parish under the “The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas” ( If you have questions and/or suggestions, please contact the administrator of this platform, Father Constantin Alecse [FRCA-email:] !!! Subscribe to these channels to receive future updates and new posts. Yours in Christ (Fr. Constantin Alecse)

Marek Meram


O rzeczywistości, której nie ma w głównych mediach, ale którą przeczuwamy. Moją książkę „Rzeczywistość” można kupić na jej stronach internetowych: Tom I: Tom II: Oczywiście zachęcam do darowizn… Jak wiadomo, pieniądze są potrzebne. Możesz wyrazić swoje poparcie dla tego, co mówię i piszę, wpłacając darowiznę na konto: 19 1020 1097 0000 7402 0208 1461 Numer IBAN: PL19102010970000740202081461 Kod BIC (Swift): BPKOPLPW Adres centrali: PKO Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna - Centrala, ul. Puławska 15, 02-515 Warszawa (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA) PayPal: (Tytuł przelewu: DAROWIZNA)