Stampy's Playhouse


Random cartoons and silly shit from ya' boy when I'm not doing...other career shit that otherwise wastes my precious fucking time. Have a blessed day! lmao ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟧 TEESPRING SHIRTS & MERCH ‎ ▌ 🛒 Teespring ‎ ▪ ‎ ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟩 SUPER-OPTIONAL SUPPORT - Only if you're feeling generous! ‎ ▌ 👤 Patreon ‎ ▪ ‎ ☕ Buy Me A Coffee ‎ ▪ ‎ Thanks for all the ongoing support! I this rate, you guys are essentially my employers, too? ✅ Cash App ‎ ▪ ‎ $StamperTV 🅿️ PayPal ‎ ▪ ‎ ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟪 PRIMARY GEAR - Here's the BASICS, at least. ‎ ▌ 🖊️ Tablet ‎ ▪ ‎ HUION Inspiroy H1060P - 10 x 6.25 🎧 Headphones ‎ ▪ ‎ Sony MDR7506 🎙️ Microphone ‎ ▪ ‎ Audio-Technica AT2020 (USB version is perfectly fine in my opinion.) ⚡ Audio Interface ‎ ▪ ‎ Scarlett Solo (IF you end up getting the AT2020 XLR version.) (You can find most of this stuff over at Amazon. Not sponsored, just saying!) ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟦 MUSIC & AUDIO DISTRIBUTION ‎ ▌ 🔊 DistroKid ‎ ▪ ‎ Again, not sponsored. Submit your audio/music/podcasts/whatever to multiple platforms at once so you don't gotta do Spotify, iTunes, etc. individually. There's probably better services out there, but I dunno...I'm stubborn in regards to change I guess? ———————————————————————————————————// ▌ 🟥 ALSO HEY, FYI... ‎ ▌ ⚠️ I DON'T USE FACEBOOK - no fan pages, no personal pages, ZERO Facebook. Anybody 'Stampering' over there isn't me/working with me. ⚠️ I BARELY use X or Instagram, so don't expect much from me there. If you wanna talk, just hit me up like normal people do! Also Discord is a fuckin' mess too social media kinda sucks huh?

Matteo D'Amico


Matteo D'Amico è docente di filosofia. Conferenziere e saggista, ha collaborato con una decina di riviste di area cattolica e da alcuni anni conduce su RadioBuonConsiglio i programmi "Storia della Chiesa" e "Il matrimonio cristiano". E' intervenuto come relatore a numerosi convegni in Italia e all'estero. Dal 1998 ha iniziato a occuparsi di temi bioetici, collaborando in particolare con la rivista “Quaderni di San Raffaele”. Ecco alcuni suoi testi: “Giordano Bruno”, PIEMME, 2000; "Piccolo manuale di apologetica",PIEMME, 2004 (coautore); “Per un accesso a Iota Unum: la struttura della critica di Amerio alla teologia conciliare e post-conciliare”, 2008. Acquista il mio ultimo libro "Apostasia Verde", sulla svolta ecologista di papa Francesco: CONTATTI: PER SOSTENERE IL CANALE: PAYPAL: IBAN: IT51T0574802607100000007506



We are dedicated to anyone who collects space stamps, postcards, patches, covers, signed autographs from astronauts to astrophilatelic memorabilia, or just enthusiasts of the space hobby, then this is the site for you. Membership of the Astro Space Stamp Society is absolutely FREE. Visit our website at: or send your first and last name (you must send your full name) and email address to Membership of the Astro Space Stamp Society is FREE and you will receive 6 issues of our Orbit magazine and 6 issues of our Newsletter per year in PDF format. A link will be sent to your email address. Orbit is the official magazine of the Astro Space Stamp Society. The first issue was published in January 1988 and six issues of Orbit Magazine are sent to members each year. Orbit is a regular 40-page A4 magazine that keeps members up to date with space stamps, covers, patches and all things space related. Members also receive six issues a year of our Newsletter, which is published between issues of Orbit and is 1-3 pages long.