Last Days Ministries of Nashville
2 FollowersCompanion ministry channel to LDMN street evangelism.
Companion ministry channel to LDMN street evangelism.
All about Jesus’ end of days, God’s kingdom
This channel will teach you about the apostles, and how those 12 lives were transformed. \n\nYou will also learn about the physical, mental, and emotional side of Jesus from the Garden to the Tomb.
Delving into Bible Prophecy at the end of days
🛎 Subscribe to receive daily/weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and prophecy
TIME-SENSITIVE Video Series providing insights from Holy Scripture and current Prophecies by Jesus
Spreading the messages of Our Lady of the Roses to the world through the internet.
Time is running out...
I am a born again Christian who is greatly distressed and troubled during these last days. I want to share my day-to-day thoughts, rants, hopes, discoveries and awesome links to other resources with any other brothers and sisters in Christ who are experiencing similar circumstances as I am.
Latest News every day
Discussing news, politices, finance and technology from a Biblical worldview. Basically what is not being discussed in most churches.
Where We Go One We Go All
Report is a daily program that covers economic, political and geopolitical issues. Join me and many others to fight for what is rightfully ours. Stay with us to get the latest news
The hottest news of the day from around the world
Biblical Prophecies in light of current events
Focus on your ideal buyer
I take what’s happening today and relate it to The Bible
In 2013 I was told by the Lord that He is sick to His stomach from the Lukewarmness that has taken over His church and that He is about to vomit this Lukewarm church out of His mouth as stated in Revelation 3. This lukewarmness has been in the church for well over a thousand plus years and God has finally had enough and is getting ready to vomit His lukewarm church out of His mouth. The message I was given, was to go to His leaders and His people to let them know, they MUST turn from the Lukewarmness in His church. Too many traditions and “ways we have always done things”, etc., have been added to His church and the way they operate and worship the Lord. We all must get back to His word, solely. We must take a deep look at what we consider today's church to be, compared to what Jesus taught and how the disciples practiced what Jesus gave them. We should all be experiencing the power that was promised in the book of Acts, which is based on the power of the Holy Spirit, not the acts of man, that power is almost non-existent today. Each person must examine every facet of their worship to be sure it is in line with what is in God's word. God wants us to be hot, not lukewarm. We all must change our ways and eliminate everything that is not in God's word.
Last Days Discussion and Advise Donations and love gifts: Zelle to
Helping the children of TMH Yah heal from life's traumas and endure until the end! Donations and love gifts: Zelle to
Real news for our time.
Hi, I'm J.T.! I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. On this channel, I'll be sharing my insights about modern day events, and how they might be the fulfilling of scriptural prophecy. Please understand that a lot of the things I talk about in my videos are my personal theories that I have formulated based on my gospel study, as well as other materials that people have written about certain subjects. I do not claim to have any authority to teach about any of this. Because of this, if the president of the church, or any of the apostles say anything that contradicts what I say, you should obviously go with what they say. If I find that I’ve made a mistake with how I explained something in any of my videos, I will post a follow up video explaining where I went wrong, and make the corrections that I feel need to be made. To quote Moroni, “…if there be faults they be the faults of a man…” (Mormon 8:17). Lastly, you need to understand that you can’t rely solely on mortal beings like me to tell you about the things I talk about here. My intention with starting this channel is to help people open their minds to plain and precious truths in the scriptures that might have been staring them in the face, but they just didn’t realize it.
Welcome to my channel! This is my general hang out for anything cool. It can cover machines, restorations, artwork, rides, nature, stationary, tools, poetry, history, and anything that captures the human spirit. Last Day Grind is a nod to the last day of putting all you’ve got into something worth while. Anyone who’s done any worthwhile journey knows it can be a grind (and often is). But when you’re giving 100%, even when the chips are down, and you fight the good fight till last day - the result is what you can proudly say is your own, no matter what it is. This is my hang out where I applaud important moments and the final outcome of such a journey…
funny dogs, funny cats and adorable babies - brighten your day with the latest batch of viral videos.
Various videos collected in research
Sharing the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me YahWah
This channel is about what The Lord has shown me.
Find out what's going on in our world in the last days.
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