Law, Political Science and Theology. Jesus Christ Reigns! Brazil above all!


It is a channel managed by the lawyer passionate about Human Sciences Dr. Hianco Amorim de São Pedro, which addresses important themes in Law, Political Science and Theology. In addition to having a law degree from Faculdade Batista Brasileira and a post-graduate degree in Criminal Sciences from Dom Petrun, I started the undergraduate course in Social Sciences at the State University of Bahia, which I am very happy about because I am always motivated to learn and share everything intellectual content with Brazilian society. Contato: e

Top Shelf Theology

1 Follower

In the 4th century, St. Jerome saw fit to translate the bible from the traditional Greek and Hebrew, to the language of the common folk of the Roman Empire: Latin. Then, in their own words, the commoners - "the vulgar" - could understand the Word of God, and thus was born, the Vulgate bible. In the 21st century, some fat dad named Alan decided to bring the Word of God to the common people of the day, put it into their vulgar language, and talk about it over drinks. He brings you: Theology from the Top Shelf. The good stuff! Straight and neat. Or on the rocks, depending.

Teologia IA

1 Follower

📕Teologia é o estudo sistemático das questões🙏religiosas e das divindades, buscando compreender e interpretar a natureza, origem, propósito e significado do divino ou do sagrado. Ela geralmente se concentra em uma religião específica ou conjunto de crenças, analisando suas escrituras, tradições, doutrinas e práticas para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a relação entre o ser humano e o transcendente. O termo "Teologia" deriva das palavras gregas "Theos" (Deus) e "logos" (palavra ou estudo), portanto, literalmente significa "estudo de Deus" ou "estudo do divino". No entanto, a Teologia abrange mais do que apenas a ideia de uma divindade singular; ela também pode abordar temas como o mal, a moralidade, a vida após a morte, a espiritualidade, a experiência religiosa e a interação entre o divino e o mundo humano.

Wakefulness Theology

1 Follower

For donations to support this ministry please visit: Thank You! I have been called and given the task of Numbers 1:2. I am to translate The Most High's Holy Living Letters, known as Pi, into human language. I have been taught that numbers are called Holy Letters. They are The Holy Living Letters of the Most High Father's Name, Pi. Exodus 3:14, the true translation says, "I Am That Pi". These translations are called "Letter Lines", which is the combining of two Holy Letters to make a sentence. This hidden language is meant to restore the lost tribes, unite True Israel, and bring us all closer to The Most High Father in the last days. As sons of Yahushua (both men and women are called sons in the spirit realm), The Heavens are constantly calling us and communicating with us through Holy Letters! This is because The Living Book is hidden in our names and consequently in us!