Lou Scatigna, The Financial Physician


Louis Scatigna, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional who is also known as The Financial Physician. For more than 36 years, he has combined his knowledge and experience to establish himself as an expert on financial planning and financial literacy. He is consistently clear explaining complex financial ideas that everyone can understand. For over 20 years, he has shared his knowledge on his radio show The Financial Physician, which now airs on 92.7 WOBM FM. In 2009, he shared his financial tips and tricks in his book Financial Physician. He is a popular speaker who has been featured in major media outlets such as CNN, USA Today, Dallas Morning News, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC.

Документални филми / Documentaries


Аз съм Ценка Стойчева и съм публицист, лектор, общественик, свръхсетивен диагностик и лечител, писател. Тук, на канала си, в поредица от кратки клипове ще представям различни аспекти на холистичния метод за диагностика и лечение, който разработих през изминалите 25 години, и който подробно описвам в книгите си "Новото лечителско изкуство" (2006) и "Мистичният феникс" (2021) ⭐️ "Новото лечителско изкуство" и Мистичният феникс" можете да си поръчате на следния имейл: tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Ако желаете, можете да ме подкрепите със скромна сума, като се абонирате за канала ми в Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=67886997 ⭐️ Или чрез акаунта ми в PayPal tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Моята страница във Фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/stoycheva.ts... ❤️ Линк за безплатно сваляне в ел. вариант на първата ми книга - "Сребърната нишка": https://chitanka.info/text/43978-sreb...

Supernatural Revelation, Divine Insights into God the Universe, World's Creation, Laws of Creation-Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Personality, Spirituality, Eternity, Temporality, Religion, Belief, Human Society, Culture, Law and Values, Salvation, Miracles


The Search for God, Eternity, Life after death and the Meaning of Life. Looking at How Science, Religion, Human Society, Culture and Values shape our worldview, laws, relationships, spirituality and the practice or lack thereof of Eternity and Miracles.

asmer:physical smassage therapy techniques


Hi, on my channel I show and discuss the techniques for manual treatment, osteopathy, physiotherapy, which I myself practice. The ideal interest group of the channel is my patients, partners and individuals who are keen on wellbeing further developing strategies and their wellbeing. I likewise direct preparation in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don, creator's strategies in manual methods. I see patients in my focal point of manual treatment and osteopathy "Rebuilding".