Hobo Sermons


A simple musician who just wants to get his music out there. Livestreaming musical covers and originals, and random thoughts. The Anti-Eilish. Just some guy with a guitar and thoughts, along with a blessedly rich family history of music. Most of them being honest, old-timey songs that still endure to this day. I ply my hand at Songwriter with average singing and guitar playing skills. But more than enough to hold my hold. Making music that draws on nostalgia, tradition, and truths. Ain’t much for post-production, nor production for that matter. If you can’t take it with you, can’t be much use.

Knoxville Christian Center - Sermons


Knoxville Christian Center is an Assemblies of God church, located in West Knoxville. Dr. Barry Culberson is the founder and Senior Pastor of Knoxville Christian Center. He is passionate about reaching the community for Christ and strongly believes in prayer and fasting. He is committed to teaching Christians how to walk in victory and develop a successful prayer life. All of the ministries at the Knoxville Christian Center have a common objective – to reach the lost with the Gospel. This is our heart. This is our calling. The combined efforts of all our outreach ministries continue to produce a great harvest of souls. We invite you to join arms with us as we “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation.”

Online Sermons


We are a fellowship of spirit-filled believers. It is our Mission to share the unconditional love of God with those we come in contact with everyday. Our desire is to know God through a personal relationship with Jesus. We believe it is our call to reach our community while equipping believers though discipleship and exercising spiritual gifts. 'If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.' - John 15:7-8