Palavras Sagradas


The Sacred Words channel is an excellent option for those who wish to explore Christian spirituality through the teachings of Christ and the Psalms. With a clear, captivating, and deeply spiritual approach, this channel is a valuable source of wisdom and inspiration for those seeking to connect with their faith on a deeper level. The content of the channel includes prayers, biblical reflections, teachings of Christ, and readings from the Psalms, presented in a way that is easily understandable and accessible to anyone, regardless of their level of knowledge about the Bible or their religious practice.(O canal Palavras Sagradas é uma excelente opção para aqueles que desejam explorar a espiritualidade cristã por meio dos ensinamentos de Cristo e dos Salmos. Com uma abordagem clara, cativante e profundamente espiritual, este canal é uma fonte valiosa de sabedoria e inspiração para aqueles que buscam se conectar com sua fé de maneira mais profunda. O conteúdo do canal inclui preces, reflexões bíblicas, ensinamentos de Cristo e leituras dos Salmos, apresentados de uma forma que é facilmente compreensível e acessível para qualquer pessoa, independentemente do seu nível de conhecimento sobre a Bíblia ou da sua prática religiosa).

Dixie the Labrador


Hello, My lovely friends! My name is Dixie and I’m an awesome Labrador Retriever. I was born on April 27, 2020. My best friends are mummy, daddy, elder brother, sister, and younger brother, I love them very much, they’re my favorite humans in my world! Sometimes I am a good dog but usually, I am a very silly, sleepy, sweet, chubby, and clumsy puppy. On my channel, I will show you how I grow and what a good girl I am. I hope you’ll like it! Enjoy guys!!! Love you