Cis White Male with Extra Privilege


YouTube - Odysee - archive. org - Bitchute - DONATE HERE IF YOU APPRECIATE THE CONTENT - "And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?" "Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know." The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly. - Indian fable



This channel is all about fox trapping, coyote trapping, raccoon trapping, beaver trapping, mink trapping and muskrat trapping. Essentially this channel is all about trapping and the great outdoors. I will be making trapping lures and doing tests on them with trail camera's. Also will be some how to's and showing you how I like to set up on location and make my sets. We may also get the occasional trout fishing video in there as well or salt water fishing expedition when on vacation. This will be a great channel for the veteran outdoorsman and also the beginner. Subscribe Today so you don't miss out on any new footage. It's FREE. Please feel free to email me with any questions we can never have to much advice to outsmart the animals in mother natures home. Please also remember onthis channel we respect all wildlife as any avid outdoorsman does.

Trapping and Outdoor Content


About Trapping With Jinx: Join trapper Jinx on his trap line! Located in the beautiful state of Missouri. Trapper Jinx has been trapping since 2000 and has a vast array of trapping knowledge. His passion for the outdoors has led him to start a successful nuisance trapping business in 2007. Trapper Jinx has traveled all over the country learning about how to become a better trapper and successful business person. He holds many certifications, including certified Trapper Instructor for the state of Missouri and AAAC Certified Wildlife Professional. Jinx has also attended the "Kansas Canine Mastery Course" and "The LKL Trapping Experience" to further his Predator and Coyote trapping knowledge.

By Michael Knapp Leather


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Strap a Watch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' is all about promoting enthusiasm for mechanical wristwatches and leather straps with hope that more and more people, especially younger people, start wearing and appreciating these watches again. The sad reality is fewer people today are wearing watches, let alone mechanical watches. The channel is for people curious about watches, watch enthusiasts, leather crafters, those interested in fashion, design, style, travel and other cool stuff, or anyone who simply likes to watch great online content in an entertaining and informative way.

Advaita Vedanta Ashram Europe


Rumble video channel for Advaita Vedanta Ashram Europe, featuring videos from our Zoom classes, Guided Meditations, Live Teachings, one on one videos with students and more... In the tradition of Adi Shankaracharya it is said that the means to profoundly understand your True Nature or Self as Brahman, Awareness, Consciousness is revealed through the Teachings of Advaita Vedanta, the Guru Parampara and the Guru. Through this methodology, you will be able to recognize and be convinced permanently of That which Is You. In Sanskrit, the syllable gu means darkness and the syllable ru means remover, thus the term Guru literally means the one who removes darkness. Superficial intellectual understanding like gathering information, has no power to remove the darkness of ignorance on its own. In fact, if you have just a superficial intellectual understanding alone, this may even increase your pride. It is only by relying on a qualified Guru who is part of a holy tradition and whose methods have been proven to work again and again, that you can profoundly understand your True Nature or Self as Brahman, Awareness, Consciousness. In our tradition, the methodology employed by the Guru is Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhi Dhyasanam. Sravanam means to listen to the teachings; Mananam to contemplate deeply the meaning of the teachings and to remove any doubts through dialogue with the Guru and Nidhi Dhyasanam means to meditate deeply on the meaning of the instructions, such as the Mahavakyams [Great Statements of Truth], having first removed all doubts. Through the grace of the Guru, the blessings of the holy lineage and Sravanam, Mananam and Nidhi Dhyasanam, we give ourselves the greatest opportunity to profoundly understand – on a permanent basis - our True Self as Awareness, Consciousness, Brahman.