Roy Nielsen


My wife Hollie and I are on a journey of self-realization and growth, where we are striving to find purity, happiness and a holistic, healthy lifestyle. We’ve been on this journey for roughly 7 years, and we are excited to share our experiences and insights with others who are also on a similar path. We believe that science and spirituality are interconnected. Through our journey, we have discovered the benefits of practices like foot zoning and Theta healing. We’ve both graduated as Theta healing practitioners. I also have 11 years of experience in water treatment, where I specialized in "problem water" and designed, engineered and built water treatment equipment for residential, commercial, industrial and medical settings. Additionally, I have also studied soil and soil chemistry. Our aim is to document and share our journey with this platform highlighting what’s worked and what hasn’t in the hope of helping others achieve the same level of wellness and balance that we strive for.

Jarhead Preparedness


Most people today go through life thinking that the government is going to be there to protect and or save them. Well, they be wrong!! I believe everyone should make an effort to be prepared especially for natural disasters that are prone in their immediate area such as tornado's, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, wild fires, power outage's, Blizzards, extreme cold, etc... I don't claim to be a subject matter expert on prepping/survival, but I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two. I served in the USMC for 6 years, managed Maintenance for 3 different National Parks, Owned and Operated over 9 different commercial trucks, experienced in Gardening, chickens, carpentry, honeybees, homesteading, Combat, and automobile repair. I'm still learning and I never will claim to be an expert, but I believe I can share what I know and also learn from the community I hope to create here. Learning from each other is a great idea. Thanks for stopping by!



Unlocking the Benefits of Nature: Your Comprehensive Guide to Health and Wellness Explore the wonders of nature with this comprehensive guide to health and wellness. From digestive aids to immune boosters, pain relievers to heart health supporters, weight management allies to cognitive enhancers, this guide covers it all. Discover how nature's offerings can enrich your life and unlock a healthier, more vibrant you. Playlists and more info in community on YouTube ☕Fuel My Passion with a Coffee and Support My Work☕



Dieser Kanal bringt bunt gemischte Videos. Vor allem christliche Inhalte. Aber auch Lieder, Videos von Fahrradtouren, Landschaftsbilder und Predigten. Wenn YouTube Werbung in manchen Videos einblendet, dann kann ich daran nichts ändern, tut mir leid, das kommt von YouTube! 📧Kontakt Email: ➾Ich habe drei Bücher geschrieben. Nur eines davon ist noch im Buchhandel: Mein Buch zur Schizophrenie, unter der ich lange gelitten habe, unter einem Pseudonym veröffentlicht: 📘Jacob Blackbird: Horror im Wolkenkuckucksheim 🙏🏻Soli Deo Gloria!✝️ 🗣️Röm 10,13: denn: »Jeder, der den Namen des Herrn anruft, wird gerettet werden«. ❤️Der Name des Herrn lautet: Jesus Christus!