Infinite Reach Ministries


This channel preaches Jesus Christ born the Son of God from a virgin. Sinless from birth and died Sinless on the cross for our sins. Then resurrected on the third day in victory over sin and death. He is now at the right hand of the Father interceding for the body of Christ, which are the saved saints of God, and has sent The Holy Spirit to all saved saints of God as a comforter, seal, and expounder of the truth leading us into all truth.\\\\n\\\\nThen what is being put forth here is this; you now have a choice to accept the free gift of God which can\\\\\\\'t be purchased or worked for. First, you must admit your guilt that you have been found guilty through the fall of Adam that you are living in sin. Then you must believe in your heart and soul that Jesus Christ has died for you and risen from the dead and confess with your mouth that He is Lord and turn from your rebellion against God, then you are saved by the cleansing blood of The Messiah, The Lamb of God sent to take the sins of the world.

workout routine


Welcome to my Workout Routine channel! All of the content on our channel is instructive. Bodybuilding, fitness, callisthenics, and crossfit workout and demonstration. We strive to make the film entertaining and educational. With a description, the video illustrates workouts and muscle work. Our videos are all accompanied by music. We feel that studying through music is more engaging and less boring for people. The goal is to encourage more people to begin improving themselves.

Reignite America For a Free United America!


We are paleoconservatives Christian Isolationist. We are America First Independent Constitutionalist. We don't believe in political parties as they usurp power on to themdelves and not We The People. Political parties should be abolished and get independents that work for their districts as WE THE PEOPLE. We don't believe in foreign wars for their resources. We should only go to war if our citizens are harmed or attacked in US soil. We don't believe in funding countries militarily. We are free speech absolutist. All speech protected. We strive for economic freedom and trade. **Mission Statement:** We are empowering individuals to stand up for equality, unity, and change in America. We reject political parties and strive for a better future for all Americans. These Democrats and Republicans has been in power since 1865. They have only brought us wars, bigger government and poverty. They circumvented the constitution and usurp power unto themselves. They turn their intelligence apparatus towards the American people and strip us away from our freedoms. They divided us to conquer us for their control. It's time to fight back.

The most powerful orgonite by far! Electrically charged to full power!


The ULTIMATE orgonite is: BUBBLE TECH: Exciting new technology, cheap and easy to make. Empaths totally love the extremely powerful healing energy. Use your intuition on this, im trying to get the word out NOT MAKE $. Do a divination on this if you want confirmation of the miracles and powers. Dispels all negative entities, helps with/cures sleeping problems. It greatly helps everyone a little or a lot with a multitude of problems from depression etc. & even cured people of cancer, etc. Many makers have reported miracles. It empowers your heart spirit to manifest things for you. Its promoted By academia genius Mike Emery as a destined SPIRITUAL technology for the above & controlling bad weather, & transforms electromagnetic radiation to harmless, the list is long. Join the Facebook group - Bubble tech & go to magical happenings (miracle) thread hundreds of comments. It's an awesome spiritual technology. Cut paste this into youtube search bar: Bubble Tech Manifestation device 4healin imprvs life in genrl Metphysicaly explnd cures mny pepl pt2 ....You'll find it hard to believe what these devices do if you don't have claircognizance or much intuition to confirm it. The regular orgonite community is left in the dust but slowly waking up & now slowly starting to include our methods & ingredients etc. Animals love the healing euphoric energy and gather around them when put outside, especially birds and squirrels. We believe its why Wilhelm Reich was imprisoned and killed there. Its a major threat to the inner & outer demons. Join the war on evil by doing something positive and great for yourself by just making 1. Like most people, you will probably end up making a few :) for faster manifestings and healings etc. The hurricanes and any destructive weather is stopped quickly and brings rain to regions in need. I know it's hard to believe, but it's recognized by dowsers to be genuine in its effects over vast areas. but the weather channel shows the physical proof in action in perfect correlation to when the bubbles are used. They make gardens grow way faster and stronger. Your heart spirit works through it. Its purely righteous and therefore can't be used malevolently. It's known for enhancing telepathy and general 'awareness'. For ALL details on how to make and why etc join the group Bubble tech.

Infinite Gam3


All things gaming, entertainment, blogs, gaming culture, retrospectives and whatever else we feel like posting on this channel. Had no life so decided to have many. Please add me on Discord, Instagram and Facebook! Discord: Share some cool gaming moments, your set up, games, 1v1, memes, etc Facebook: Shop: Instagram: