CanGoGoal Studio


大家好!我哋係正宗土生土長香港人,巧合於時代動盪之時回流返加拿大,亦巧合創立了這個channel,雖然本來只是用作分享加拿大的移民生活,但基於我哋相信每人做多一步,個世界就會唔同,我哋會藉著呢個channel去講真話,講香港人話! 我哋亦很高興話比大家知,我哋嘅patreon正式啟航喇! 响patreon專頁裏面,我哋會upload啲我哋响youtube限時播放嘅影片,亦會放啲比較敏感、容易被黃標嘅時事題材,包括但不限於:電影行內真言快語、真·香港歷史、我是香港人教室.....精彩內容不能盡錄! 喜歡我們談論呢啲題材,又或想在限時播放後仍能觀賞,就快啲加入我哋Gold/Diamond Patreon喇! 至於只係想輕輕鬆鬆請我同中佬教練飲咖啡奶茶食雪糕嘅話,就加入我哋嘅Silver Patreon啦!我哋會搵多啲好玩好食嘅地方,身先士卒,拍多啲試玩試食比大家睇😋!先多謝大家!



Se how to do the exercises in short videos, usually 2 videos from different angels. starring May Tita and Andre. This is also a suggested naming convention for a number of exercises, what part of the body is exercised and some of the essential muscles involved. HOW TO USE THE CHANNEL. Find out what body part(s) you want to exercise. 1. Go to the Playlist for that body part. 2. Pick some exercises. 3. Watch the short video if necessary. 4. Go to the GYM and enjoy



Welcome to Noah The Cat! Noah was born in October 2022. He was a stray cat found in freezing cold temperatures in a parking lot. We adopted him into our home on December 18, 2022. Noah also has an older brother Charlie born in 2009, who might make an occasional appearance. Questions or comments send us an email: Please enjoy our relaxing cat videos. Fan mail, post cards, etc. can be sent to our P.O. Box addressed to: Noah P.O. Box 451 Sun Prairie, WI 53590 Sincerely, Nick and Jen. Follow us on Discord

Your Success Is The Goal!


The goal of this channel is to demonstrate that achieving higher levels of success in school, work, and life means taking personal accountability in how you approach and eventually master Goal Setting, Motivation, Time Management, Stress Management, dealing with failure that leads to Success, and practicing and improving the eight areas of Human Wellness: Physical Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Financial Wellness, Occupational Wellness, Environmental Wellness, and Social Wellness.

Welcome to Finance Explorer our investment and finance animated explainer channel! Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive, easy-to-understand explanations of various financial and investment concepts.


Finance Explorer goal is to provide you with comprehensive, easy-to-understand explanations of various financial and investment concepts. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, we strive to provide you with valuable insights and knowledge that can help you make informed decisions. Our animated videos are designed to be engaging and visually appealing, ensuring that you don't get bored while learning about complex financial topics. At our channel, we cover a wide range of topics, including stock market analysis, investment strategies, personal finance, retirement planning, and much more. We also offer tips and tricks for managing your money and making the most out of your investments. Our team is committed to providing high-quality content that is both informative and entertaining. Subscribe to our channel today and start your journey towards financial success!