Raelian Movement


What if, out of the thousands of UFO sightings that occur each year, one person actually met the occupant – the “driver” of one of these UFOs? And what if this person were given information by this space-being that explained the secret history of life on Earth and its pending future? And, what if all this information had been published decades ago and acknowledged by thousands of people, including scientists and historians? Wouldn\'t you like to read that book? You can download it free at https://www.rael.org/downloads/

New World Order Israel סדר עולמי חדש


חדשות קוביד מציגים מגוון ערוצים בעלי תוכן כל החשיפות והמידע שמסתירים ממכם : ערוצי RUMBLE מתעדכנים על בסיס יומי : 1. ערוץ קוביד חדשות קוביד עדכונים וחושפי שחיתויות ---------------------------------- https://rumble.com/c/CovidNews 2. ערוץ New World Order Israel סדר עולמי חדש -------------------------------------- https://rumble.com/c/c-2242460 3. התו הירוק אפליית לא מחוסנים בתקופת הקורנה -------------------------------------- https://rumble.com/c/c-2249070 4. ערוץ חדשות קוביד חיסוני שגרה כל האמת בפנים : ---------------------------------- https://rumble.com/c/c-2253070 ערוצי טלגרם : ----------- 1. ערוץ טלגרם חדשות קוביד עדכונים וחושפי שחיתויות : ---------------------------------- https://t.me/CovidNewsUpdates 2. ערוץ טלגרם **** תופעות לוואי בלבד ****** : ----------------------------- https://t.me/vaxsideeffect 3. ערוץ טלגרם **** New World Order Israel סדר עולמי חדש ******** ----------------------------------------------------- https://t.me/NWOISRAELCOVIDNEWS

Israel First TV Program


Israel First TV Program focuses on News, Interviews and Features from Israel together with teaching from a Hebraic perspective. The Programme is presented by Martin and Nathalie Blackham from the Israel First TV Studios In Jerusalem, Israel. It is broadcast every Friday on Angel TV Network via Satellite on the following channels: Australia, Far East, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and America. It is also broadcast on GLC TV Network, Israel TV Network and Son Broadcasting TV Network. Martin and Nathalie Blackham have been presenting TV Programmes featuring news and features about Israel since 2004 on Revelation TV, Inspiration Network TV, FaithGlobe TV, Faith TV, CWeb TV and Christian TV Network. Israel First TV Programme is their current show which has been broadcast since 2016 on Angel TV, since 2018 on GLC TV Network/Israel TV Network and since 2019 on Son Broadcasting TV Network. Discover the land, the people and the language through interviews and current events in the land of Israel.

Israel First TV Programme


Israel First TV Programme focuses on News, Interviews and Features from Israel together with teaching from a Hebraic perspective. The Programme is presented by Martin and Nathalie Blackham from the Israel First TV Studios In Jerusalem, Israel. It is broadcast every Friday on Angel TV Network via Satellite on the following channels: Australia, Far East, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and America. It is also broadcast on GLC TV Network, Israel TV Network and Son Broadcasting TV Network.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nMartin and Nathalie Blackham have been presenting TV Programmes featuring news and features about Israel since 2004 on Revelation TV, Inspiration Network TV, FaithGlobe TV, Faith TV and CWeb TV. Israel First TV Programme is their current show which has been broadcast on Angel TV since 2016, on GLC TV Network and Israel TV Network since 2018 and on Son Broadcasting TV Network since 2019. Discover the land, the people and the language through interviews and current events in the land of Israel.

Shma Yisrael 7 Ministry


Shma Yisrael 7 Ministry teaches the following according to scripture: 1) How to come to salvation through Yeshua/Jesus our Messiah. 2) Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) is as relevant today as ever, and that we are to keep the Commandments and the Feasts of Yah. 3) How to have the closest personal and intimate relationship with Yah possible. To learn more about our ministry visit: https://www.shmayisrael7.org To support us visit: https://www.shmayisrael7.org/support