The Matrix Reset


Channel dedicated to exposing the inverted matrix being built around us. Signs, Symbols and Subliminals in Media, News & Entertainment. Will be posting here as well as Bitchute. New content and some re-edited older videos to follow as I acclimate to this platform. Galatians 4:16 "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Also follow on Bitchute: Or Instagram:

The Terrible Great Reset


I am the author of three books about strong women who protect society: Redacted, No Longer! about the strong women of the Bible who bucked the status quo and chose God’s favor instead; The Terrible Great Reset,about the 2020-2030 globalist takeover to favor a NWO; and Civil Disobedience for the Christian Woman. I am also a conservative reporter, conservative publisher, conservative publicist of quality books that edify, and Director of Communications for small companies of five to fifty people. Two websites: and Now that DEI has been recinded by DJT, we need a Traditional Family Protection Act and Year of the Family. We must prohibit the distribution of propaganda on non-traditional relationships and the distribution of materials that promote gender dysphoria in minors and create a Year of the Family that would entail an anti-abortion drive, taking on “childfree” propaganda, discouraging divorce by those with underage children, and patriotic education Putin has a Traditional Family Act and Year of the Family in place and WE have the CIA creating puppets around the world like Zelensky, for child sex trafficking, organ culling, and adrenochrome making. Is the Art of the Deal...COERCION? All music used in my videos is copyright free, royalty free and attribution free for both personal and commercial use.

New Leaf Wellness Resort


New Leaf is a Koh Samui, Thailand Detox, Weight Loss and award-winning Wellness Resort. We are the only Thailand Resort that is 100% focused on weight loss and total body wellness. No fads, No fake diets, No false claims. There are no public restaurants or cafes on-site to distract or derail you from your mission. No confusing programs. Just one dedicated weight loss, fitness, health and wellness program. The New Leaf Detox Wellness resort’s track record has given us international recognition since 2006 as one of the Worlds best Health, Weight Loss and Wellness Resorts.

the great Reset 20/21


Hier findet Ihr Hintergründe, Wahrheiten, Machenschaften über das Weltgeschehen, deren Drahtzieher und Hintergründe. Zusammenhänge und Verflechtungen der weltbeherrschenden NGO`S der Lobbyisten der Weltpolitik. Erkennt die Ziele der Elite und seht eure Gegenwart und eure Zukunft widergespiegelt in Aussagen der wirklichen Freien Presse, in den Verlautbarungen von wirklichen Experten und Menschen, die die Wahrheit erkannt haben und nicht den Mainstream-ideologien folgen.,