Hall County Republican Party


We are the officially recognized Republican committee within our geographical area, and we elect delegates to the Conventions of the Georgia Ninth District Republican Party and the Georgia Republican Party.\r\nAs a Party, we are only as strong as our roots. We depend on the energy, hard work, and financial support of our members and friends to promote Republican ideals and candidates in our community.\r\nwebsite: www.hallgop.org\r\nFriends of the Hall County Republican Party Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hallgop/\r\nJoin our email list: http://goo.gl/uSOzov\r\nEvents Calendar: http://goo.gl/uuu0pc



I am a Patriotic American, a Conservative Republican!!! Our very Freedoms and Liberties are Disappearing every day! I will Bring You the Information that you Need and the Message will Be Clear! We Bring Liberty and Freedom to the American People! Best of all, we Provide a Great and Prosperous Future for All! We create a Stronger America! If we perform any of this by way of Government, then We have Not Tried Hard Enough! We must find a better way, We Must Find a Better Way!!! I will Show you the Real Truth of Republicanism, Our Values and Our Platform! God Bless America!

Northeast Georgia Republican Candidate Forum (NRCF 2022)


Save the Date! Mark your Calendars! We invite you to the 2022 Northeast GA Republican Candidate Forum (2022NRCF) taking place April 2nd @ the Gainesville Civic Center. The goal is to EDUCATE, ENERGIZE and ENGAGE voters for the coming Primary Election. At this Republican event, Statewide Executive candidates (Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Agriculture, Superintendent of Schools, US Senate, US House of Representatives (9th District), and State Legislature) will be given an opportunity to speak about their platform and answer specific questions presented by a moderator. This is "not a debate" but an opportunity for voters to meet and listen to the candidates discuss why they are the best person for the job. This event is presented to you by the Republican Women of Hall County (RWH) and the Republican Women of Forsyth County (RWFC) and a number of County Republican parties in Northeast Georgia; Hall County GOP, Jackson GOP, Cobb County GOP, Lumpkin GOP, Dawson GOP, Rabun GOP, Forsyth GOP, Stephens GOP and Franklin GOP. 📣Admission is Free📣 https://www.eventbrite.com/.../2022-northeast-georgia...