

I create videos on Catholicism. The topics include: historical events and people, prayers, scientific understanding and theological talks with my pastor. Occasionally, current events pop up, especially if it deals with the crises in the Church. My background is that of a scientist and will be relating my expertise as a statistician to church topics like miracles and philosophical understandings. I first started as a way to help my children understand some parts of the faith. With my pastor, it then expanded to help those in our parish. Now, I am helping anyone willing to listen. I stick to orthodoxy and in the event I slip, am open to charitable correction.

Self Defense


This channel is dedicated to promoting the ethical and justified use of force for self defense. Our training technique, Low Intensity Firearm Training (LIFT) allows new and experienced shooters to learn in a relaxed stress free environment. While learning the basic of deescalation, armed, and unarmed self defense. We will also cover situational awareness, counter surveillance, and discreet home and vehicle defense. We will also cover other topics associated with safety, firearms, equipment, and ammunition selection.