L'orizzonte degli eventi


L\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Orizzonte degli Eventi è un punto di osservazione sull\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'attualità, l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'informazione e la cultura creato dal mio incontro con le persone interessanti e le loro idee. Orizzonte degli eventi perché esso è il luogo teorico dove, una volta catturati, non è più possibile tornare indietro e sfuggire all\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'attrazione esercitata dal buco nero. E\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' un po\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' quello che succede quando si raggiunge la consapevolezza di qualcosa di importante e da quel momento la nostra vita non è più quella di prima, ed è anche il mio percorso di vita.



⪼⪼Each kundalini yoga session can work with any deficiencies and problems related to the body and psyche. They are cleansing and healing through a specific structure of exercises (kriyas). ≪≪ ❢Join my practice all who are interested and open mind and heart to deep self-knowledge and healing.❢ Thank you for visiting my BitCHute channel.♡ I will also put together an individualized complex for the recovery or rehabilitation of your body or just as a preventive measure. Don't be afraid of the word yoga or kunadlini-yoga. These are exercises that consciously, mentally and physically change and revitalize you and your body. It is like a sport, but very conscious and exciting. I want to stipulate right away (so as not to waste your precious time) that an individualized complex may not be free. Contact me through my website and we can always make an arrangement. ⇩ My site : https://kundalphilosophy.com I send you rays of kindness and love.💙 Support Kundalphilosophy. com My site : https://kundalphilosophy.com DONATE 🦋 Donations to this channel allows me to keep creating new content + keeps kundalini yoga free & accessible to all. If you'd like to donate you can use the accounts: PrivatBank EVR: 4149 4991 0990 5602 PrivatBank USD: 4731 1856 0075 8590 PayPal TatianNaga@protonmail.com Thank you for supporting my work!

Philosophy Apologetics Theology


I earned an MA in Apologetics and a PhD in Philosophy of Religion from Southern Evangelical Seminary, and I have studied English Composition at the graduate level from Liberty University. I am Assistant Professor of English and Philosophy at South Plains College where I teach courses on English composition, philosophy, and world religions. In this channel, I will be posting videos on philosophy, theology, and world religions. I hope you benefit and enjoy!



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