Tim the Patentman Verified


I'm a patent attorney, entrepreneur, and inventor who has 15 years of experience in the patent space. I've worked on patent portfolios that have been licensed for 8 figures, patent portfolios that helped companies raise a 9 figure funding round, and patent portfolios that helped form a unicorn ($1B acquisition). Throughout my experience, one thing is clear. There is generally a disconnect between the C-level at a company and the outside counsel tasked with protecting the company's patentable technology. When this occurs, the results mentioned above are much harder, if not impossible to achieve, imo. Thus, the content herein is to educate small business owners, inventors, and others who are innovating about the strategies needed to ensure your innovation is being adequately protected and your patent budget is being smartly utilized. None of the information herein should be construed as legal advice, but instead as information for educational and entertainment purposes only.

The Inspired Patent Podcast


Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast This podcast is for small business owners. You work so hard and help so many people. It breaks my heart when I learn of a small business owner that missed opportunities because they did not have the information that they needed. That is why I am here, to help you, the small business owner, to learn how to leverage your inspiration and succeed at making the world a better place. Listen to find out simple steps you can take to make sure you own the valuable property in your business, your inspired ideas, your innovations, and solutions. More than just protecting your intellectual property (IP), I want to help you leverage your ideas so that you can offer your solutions to as many people as possible. Each 13-week season will take you through a process in your business to improve your intellectual property protection. In each episode, I provide a small action that you can take to better protect your IP. Added together these small actions can make a huge difference for your business and the results you achieve. Join me each week for new episodes. Find new episodes on LeveraginInspiration.com and wherever you find your podcasts The first season (season 13 on IBGR.Network) covers: Intellectual Property Strategy for Startups and Small Business Show Airs - Fridays 3 pm ET beginning Apr 7, 2023