Open Source Farmer

22 Followers My name is Sean and I teach Natural Farming. Natural Farming is a farming method handed down and refined over thousands of years, but in secret among tight knit communities & families. It's sudden rise in popularity is spurring a farming revolution. One that will change the face of conventional synthetic & organic agriculture which will shake it to its core. This channel is here to promote free and paid classes and their location. We will also drop some videos and live streams along the way. Long Live the Natural Farmer!

Eye Opener Society Podcast


Eye Opener Society is a podcast hosted by Gary and Hannah, a stepfather-stepdaughter team. Gary was born and raised in the Bronx, New York, and has a straightforward style of talk. He has been meditating for about 20 years and is always fascinated with the unknown as well as the spiritual realm. Hannah was born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, and grew up with the same type of carefree attitude. She learned a lot in a very short time and is now raising a son while being fascinated with all the things that life brings. Both Hannah and Gary now reside in York, Pennsylvania, and do the podcast out of their home studio. They talk about meditation, spirituality, and conspiracy theories, and give self-help talks that deal with overcoming depression and anxiety. The show is presented unscripted, allowing them to present their ideas on a platter without forcing any beliefs or ideas on their listeners. When you listen to the show, you make your own analytics about the subject matter. There is never just one way that they present the show; it is always changing except for the fact that it is unscripted. The show does not work with a budget, so you can expect a real and unfiltered presentation without all the normal mainstream presentation. In summary, Eye Opener Society is a podcast that offers unscripted discussions on meditation, spirituality, conspiracy theories, and self-help from hosts Gary and Hannah. They present their ideas in an open and unfiltered manner, allowing listeners to make their own analytics about the subject matter. Tune in for real and unscripted discussions from this stepfather-stepdaughter team. Favorite quotes Open your eyes, then open your eye.

Open Summit


O mundo está cada vez mais Open, a transformação cada vez mais rápida, e para acompanhar este movimento é preciso conteúdo. #openSummit Evento semestral, uma semana de conteúdo on-line com palestrantes e debates relevantes sobre Open Banking, o futuro do sistema financeiro, o universo de Open Insurance e o mercado segurador. #openNews Notícias do ecossistema do Open Finance, PIX, Open Banking, Fintechs, Startups, Bigtechs, Insurtechs, regulações e eventos e outros tópicos relacionados ao mercado financeiro digital. #openTalks Entrevistas com profissionais relevantes do mercado, explorando a trajetória e os desafios enfrentados durante a sua carreira, e sua visão sobre determinados assuntos. #openExperiences Diálogos relevantes do mercado, compartilhando experiências explorando oportunidade e desafios de negócios.

Welcome to Regular Joe Travels! Please Subscribe to Rumble and YouTube! In 2022 we will focus mostly on Mexico. When the world opens up, we will travel all over!


Hello and welcome! Regular Joe is going on the road! I recently purchased a van to travel in. We are going coast to coast, Florida to Alaska, Mexico to Canada! I look forward to making many memories in this van and sharing them with you. From boondocking at a Cracker Barrel or stealth camping in random locations. I look forward sharing a nomadic life. I doesn’t stop there. I love to travel abroad and that is where we will have the most fun! Thank you for watching my content. Staying busy trying to be the best vlogger I can be makes life a lot easier on me and I'm very humbled by your attention. RegularJoeTravels - Paypal RegularJoeTravels - FB RegularJoeTravels - Instagram RegularJoeGo -Twitter RegularJoeTravels - Twitch Amazon wishlist for the channel: Merch is available NOW: Regular Joe

Project Third-Eye Opened


We seek take a more provocative look at the social and political issues and events of today, and some of yesterday, from a view that is different & unique manner. It will be commentary, opinion-based, with historical reference. Some of the content may be offensive for those who may be psychologically uncomfortable with the truth and find comfort with political correctness, and a few cuss words thrown in here and there. We want to do what we can to offer a voice for those who understand that there are important events going on in our nation and in our neighborhoods that are being reported in overt misleading and deceptive manner. It is not meant to be politically correct, polite, nor fit into your current beliefs. It is meant to encourage you to think outside of the box and question what is going and more importantly WHY? Views and opinions presented may not appear accurate or true to you. Question everything. Do your own homework. Feel free to drop me a line.

Our Portal to Amazing Health and Open Hearts and Open Minds Verified


Hello there, everybody! here's the link below: Lifewave (To expand your horizons in the mental and emotional: (and the physical(, does it not have to begin with our physical bodies?) : To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever reason: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started! The wheels of progress roll slowly, we may not see the markers, but that does not necessarily mean we don't know the goings-on behind the scenes! We have the inherent traits of creators, yes I said creators, because we are their progeny and are forever linked to their gene pool(s). Believe what you will about the Bible, Elohim is plural for creators or life-givers. Edin, not Eden, was a laboratory complex in the most beautiful part of the world selected for design and environmental purposes. It is the place of origin for what we know of as "man" (human being). All of what we deem as religions was designed to control man through fear, as an addiction to get to feel and think forgiven for not having to take responsibility of one's own life choices. I am in no way sorry or apprehensive about explaining the fundamental natures of our reasons for being on this world, at this particular time, in this particular moving quadrant of the multiverse. Thank you and you're welcome and please, as we aim to expand our collective and individual thinking from a high level of fundamental truth and actual reality! THERE IS TRULY SO MUCH MORE ON THE HORIZON, GUYS, AND GALS! FIRST, CONSIDER THE ANT AND THE FACT THAT ROME WASNT STARTED, FOUGHT OVER, BIURNED DOWN, REBUILT AGAIN, DIVIDED, AND REENVISIONED ALL IN ONE DISTINCT MOVEMENT OR EPISODE! MUCH LOVE AND GRATITUDE FOR YOUR LOVING PATIENCE !!! To get the miracle of optimal health and performance at the special discounted rate: In case there is interest in buying from me personally for whatever personally: We can discuss in detail. As well, I am not adverse or too proud to accept any love donations to help me with my long-standing relationship with the number 0. I help many that are in need when I happen to have spare cash, as God takes care of me with or without the matrix society :) My email address: -Let's get the conversation started!