Life is Meaningless & Justice for Idaho 4


Nah I'm not Coming Back Betrayal trauma is the emotional response to a violation of trust or well-being by a significant person or institution. It can cause intense grief, anger, and other difficult emotions. Causes Betrayal trauma can occur in childhood or adulthood. It can involve a parent, caregiver, or other important relationship. In adulthood, it can involve romantic partners. Betrayal trauma can also be caused by institutionalized racism or caregiver abuse. Symptoms Intrusive thoughts and images Nightmares or flashbacks Avoidance behaviors Hypervigilance Dissociation Emotional numbness Memory lapses Effects Betrayal trauma can impact every aspect of life. It can cause a deep sense of longing. It can cause a person to mourn the relationship they had with the perpetrator. Stages Betrayal trauma can involve stages such as shock, denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance. Coping Understanding the stages of betrayal trauma can help people identify their feelings and take steps towards healing. Who introduced the concept? Psychologist Jennifer Freyd introduced the concept of betrayal trauma in 1991.