Mary's Mantle Consecration


“One of the great consolations of being Catholic is knowing that the Mother of our Lord is our Mother, too. MARY’S MANTLE CONSECRATION deepens one’s personal life of virtue, unites people in prayer, and sanctifies daily life, thus making us more like her Son and so bringing joy to her motherly heart. I am grateful to Christine Watkins for making this disarmingly simple practice, which first grew in the fertile soil of Mexican piety, available to the English-speaking world.” - Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone

Natural Eyesight Improvement - Dr. Bates' Method


I preserve Ophthalmologist William H. Bates M. D. books, magazine, medical articles in paper, e-book and videos. FREE Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Dr. Bates history; See our websites and Dr. Bates, Clark Night's (my pen name) Amazon page; 165 videos on our YouTube channel; Many old editions are free in PDF and have audio training in the chapters; New Editions are only in paperback, hardcover and Kindle. See our Copyright, Disclaimer, Directions and a list of Unnatural methods, bad teachers to avoid;