🦅 BOLD EXISTENCE is all about loving Jesus, loving people, building & maintaining balanced healthy lifestyles. We are SUPER excited to have you visit our "Wellness at BOLD EXISTENCE" Channel 😊👏!! We aim to bring you knowledge, understanding and tips, helping to equip you to live your healthiest life. This Channel focusses mainly on the physical part of wellness. Improving the physical side of our health provides a positive cascading effect for our mental and emotional wellbeing as well. Our other channel, "Bold Existence Ministries", focusses more on the spiritual aspect, developing your relationship with Jesus, although the two will combine as well. We have a mailing list for wellness, so if you wish to receive emails with wellness tips, sign up: www.boldexistence.com.au/mailing-list/ **Remember to always consult your medical professional prior to undertaking any new exercise or eating regime. Have fun as you journey with us 😊!! www.boldexistence.com.au

“Live with Purpose, Not Just Exist.”


Welcome to our Channel, As a trailblazer in the field of immersive entertainment, Studio has established itself as a leader and pioneer in creating and producing groundbreaking virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences that captivate audiences across the globe. The studio’s commitment to innovation is rooted in the belief that technology has the power to drive new forms of artistic expression and transform storytelling into storyliving.


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We live with 8 billion People on Earth. We need our Environment to produce Food for everyone, but at the same time we isolate ourselves from our Origins and Ancestors, the Environment and even the Agricultural Lands that are rapidly Degrading. All of this brings many challenges and even our health organizations are warning of a Perfect Storm, with many Challenges and Threats. The solution is simple and has always been simple and practiced by and in our Origins or Ancestors. In order to exist, we will have to know our Origin, hence the title "Origin for Existence". We deny our Origin and Violate and Degenerate the Planet. In this Channel it will be proven that our Origins lie with the Amazon Indians who helped Create the Amazon Forest, and now need the Amazon Forest and Our respect for it to live in peace. When you watch Videos from this Channel, it will bring you in Contact with Life, Health and Existence. Welcome.



Vivemos com 8 bilhões de pessoas na Terra. Precisamos do nosso Meio Ambiente para produzir Alimentos para todos, porém ao mesmo tempo isolamo-nos das nossas Origens e Antepassados, do Ambiente e até das Terras Agrícolas que estão a degradar-se rapidamente. Tudo isto traz muitos desafios e até as nossas organizações de saúde alertam para uma Tempestade Perfeita, com muitos Desafios e Ameaças para a frente. A solução é simples e sempre foi simples e praticada por nossos Ancestrais e nas nossas Origens. Para existir, teremos que conhecer a nossa Origem, daí o título “Origem Para Existência”. Negamos a nossa Origem e Violamos e Degeneramos o Planeta. Neste Canal será comprovado que nossas Origens estão nos índios da Amazônia que ajudaram a criar e manejar a Floresta Amazônica, e agora precisam da Floresta Amazônica e do nosso respeito por ela e eles para viver em paz. Ao assistir aos Vídeos deste Canal, você entrará em Contato com a Vida, a Saúde e a Existência. Bem-vindo.