Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and Freedoms


Canadian Citizens For Charter Rights And Freedoms (C3RF) is a group of Canadians whose mission is to educate Canadians on the existence and nature of various threats to Canadian Charter Rights, while advocating and acting against these threats through all legal means. C3RF opposes Motion M-103, the UN Agenda 2030, the Global Compact on Migration, the distorted use of “Islamophobia” in the Canadian political lexicon - with the goal of promoting education, justice, and Charter Rights protection to all Canadians.

Peoples Party of Canada (Unofficial Channel) Verified


The People’s Party of Canada’s 4 fundamental values are: \\\\n * Individual Freedom\\\\n * Personal Responsibility\\\\n * Fairness\\\\n * Respect\\\\n\\\\nWe don’t believe that government intervention is a solution for everything. Government should not intervene to solve each and every problem on the road to a utopian and unrealistic vision of society.\\\\n\\\\nWe want smaller government because we support individual freedom and personal responsibility. We have faith in people. We have faith that they have the ability, the dignity and the right to make their own decisions and determine their own destiny.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will restore Fairness in our country by denouncing the taxes, programs and regulations:\\\\n\\\\n * that protect industries from competition, create barriers to trade and force consumers to pay more for goods and services;\\\\n * that discourage investment, crush private initiative, and the dreams of young entrepreneurs;\\\\n * that force citizens to be content with inefficient government services and prevent private alternatives to emerge;\\\\n * that unfairly distribute wealth from some provinces to others while keeping the recipient provinces in poverty.\\\\n\\\\nThe People’s Party will:\\\\n\\\\n * respect the taxpayers;\\\\n * respect our Constitution;\\\\n * equally respect all regions, provinces and territories;\\\\n * and respect our traditions, our history, and what makes Canada a unique place in the world, without trying to forcibly change it like the current Liberal government is doing.\\\\n\\\\n(The PPC_Unofficial channel is authorized to redistribute Peoples Party of Canada Content. This is NOT an official PPC outlet. Please refer to the Peoples Party of Canada website for official PPC Content)\\\\n

Laura-Lynn Live Clips Verified


Inspirational and comedic speaker, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is the former co-host of The 700 Club Canada, and author of Relentless Redemption. Her career has spanned many years in the entertainment industry, having the privilege of speaking with many great men and women of faith in Canada. This new clip channel posts shorter segments from your favourite episodes of Live with Laura-Lynn! To watch full episodes, visit:

Permaculture Verified


Permaculture, regenerating and healing your land. Self sufficiency and preparedness. Gardening, homesteading, earthworks, biochar, propagation, building soil and cultivating diversity. Food security with a focus on inviting nature in, and sharing the abundance with a focus on smart systems design. Come join my family and I on our move to the Canadian (zone 5) countryside. Want to support the channel and the work that we do? I also have paypal and patreon links below.