Runaway Slave


This channel was initially created to promote my first masterpiece titled The N Word Is No Secret In The Service. This book is about my career as a black Officer in the United States Secret Service. If you would like to purchase this masterpiece, here is the link When I wrote my book, I decided that I should use the internet to express my points of view as far as the condition that my people in the United States and worldwide deal with.



Slave Two Servant is a collective of various musicians and the brainchild of Singer-Songwriter Sam Swanson. Their debut full-length album, ‘Escape Babylon’, weaves a message of hope into a divided society by reminding humanity that “Babylon” ultimately starts in our minds, and once we can free our minds, we can escape the many dichotomies that attempt to enslave us. Stylistically, SIIS makes a tasteful throwback to post grunge and its member’s indie rock/punk roots with a powerfully soulful croon on top. ‘Escape Babylon’ was Mixed by: James Paul Wisner; Mastered by: Howie Weinberg; and Engineered by Jesse Sprinkle. You may now order the album on Vinyl/CD at: