DSA Financial Group, Inc.


Creating personalized strategies designed to build and protect your wealth. This commentary contains general information that is not suitable for everyone. The information contained herein should not be construed as personalized investment advice. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There is no guarantee that the views and opinions expressed in this commentary will come to pass. Investing in the stock market involves gains and losses and may not be suitable for all investors. Investment advisory services offered through DSA Financial Group, Inc., a registered investment adviser.

New Civil Liberties Alliance


NCLA is a nonprofit civil rights organization founded by prominent legal scholar Philip Hamburger to protect constitutional freedoms from violations by the Administrative State. NCLA’s public-interest litigation and other pro bono advocacy strive to tame the unlawful power of state and federal agencies and to foster a new civil liberties movement that will help restore Americans’ fundamental rights. For more information visit us online: NCLAlegal.org.

OffGridEnclave -


OffGridEnclave is an international hub for information, technology, human skill and culture around the subject of living self sufficient. The level of real freedom correlates directly with dependencies. Most societies shift towards more and more dependencies. We would like to help you counter that. OffGridEnclave shows the possibilities how to reduce dependencies and increase your and your families long term security, living standard and sustainability. We invite people of all cultures, social standards, income levels, and most important of all professions to have a conversation and exchange ideas and concepts. Web: https://offgridenclave.com​ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/vWmdYqDKgA

Financial Self Reliance


Do you ever think about money? Do your debts keep you up at night? Do you wonder if you’ll ever be able to save and invest? Do you wonder if you will make it to retirement? Do you have enough of the right kind of insurance? I am a licensed financial services professional in CA, I am a Certified Financial Education instructor, CFEi. For almost 20 years I have helped people just like you find answers to their financial questions. There are a lot of videos on YouTube about investing, insurance, budgeting and managing money. After watching dozens of them I knew I needed to create a channel where people could get the truth about money. Financial Self-Reliance is here to help individuals and families develop empowering beliefs and emotions about money, teaching them the necessary skills to become self-reliant, build wealth and live a life of abundance. Don’t let others do for you what you can do for yourself. Take back control, become financially self-reliant! Subscribe today!

Ciência de Verdade


Bem-vindo ao Canal Ciência de Verdade, onde mergulhamos na exploração profunda dos valores cristãos tradicionais e no resgate de conhecimentos ancestrais. Neste espaço, nos propomos a oferecer uma visão iluminada, conectando a ciência à fé e explorando como esses dois pilares podem se complementar. Nossos vídeos abordam os valores cristãos tradicionais, como também lançam luz sobre a harmonia entre a ciência e a espiritualidade. Exploramos temas como criação e a evolução, buscando entender como a compreensão científica se alinha ou se complementa com os princípios cristãos. Além disso, vamos mais fundo nos conhecimentos antigos, explorando áreas como a filosofia, a história da igreja e a sabedoria tradicional, enriquecendo assim a nossa compreensão do mundo à luz da fé. Desde estudos bíblicos a insights científicos, nosso objetivo é fornecer uma perspectiva abrangente que inspire a reflexão. Junte-se a nós neste fascinante mergulho, onde a ciência e a verdade se entrelaçam, proporcionando uma jornada enriquecedora e esclarecedora sobre os temas que moldam nossa compreensão do mundo e da fé.

Zaphi Transmisión de Consciencia


Soy una Semilla Estelar mas, a la que Zaphiel Elohim removió el piso, da igual mi nombre e imagen, hay que seguir difundiendo el mensaje, del mensajero que lo hizo con todo su amor. Este canal es un homenaje al Almirante Coronel Galáctico de Interconexión Cósmica como una biblioteca, la que este ser nos dejo, para que no nos durmiéramos en los laureles, cada uno a su ritmo y con la impecabilidad ecuánime que nos mostro y nos sigue mostrando, porque aun esta entre todos nosotros, desde la consciencia galáctica, espero que nos acompañes y cada uno de vosotros como el uno que somos, gracias Zaphiel y gracias a cada uno de los que escuchéis sus transmisiones de alta consciencia, al igual a cada uno de los canales que aquí colaboran en esta videoteca galáctica, gracias por vuestro consentir. AN'ANASHA AN'ANASHA AN'ANASHA En memoria a Lord AA Zaphiel Elohim. Primer General Jefe de Almirantes y Comandos de Contrainteligencia Cosmomilitar de Entrelazamiento Bioestelar Convergente.

Lou Scatigna, The Financial Physician


Louis Scatigna, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional who is also known as The Financial Physician. For more than 36 years, he has combined his knowledge and experience to establish himself as an expert on financial planning and financial literacy. He is consistently clear explaining complex financial ideas that everyone can understand. For over 20 years, he has shared his knowledge on his radio show The Financial Physician, which now airs on 92.7 WOBM FM. In 2009, he shared his financial tips and tricks in his book Financial Physician. He is a popular speaker who has been featured in major media outlets such as CNN, USA Today, Dallas Morning News, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC.

Jenny Logan, CFP® Verified


I’m Jenny Logan, Certified Financial Planner™, rural living evangelist, aspiring homesteader, and business owner. I make videos about traveling the road to financial freedom, self-sufficiency, and a life of purpose and meaning. What you will find on this channel: 1. Straightforward strategies that, with a little discipline, anyone can implement to work towards financial success. 2. A glimpse into my life as a wife and active community and church member in a rural village on Lake Ontario. 3. Honest guidance about how to approach the stock market during the ups and downs. -- Chisholm Financial, Inc. is a Registered Investment Advisor All content is not to be received as advice and each individual should consult with their dedicated financial planner, tax preparer, estate attorney, etc. before making any financial decisions.

Gizli Saklı Brasil


Para comemorar a formatura de Naz na Academia de Polícia, sua mãe e seu tio organizam um jantar com os moradores. Durante este jantar, um incidente suspeito na calçada oposta não escapa à atenção de Naz, e ela imediatamente vai atrás do suspeito. Após uma curta perseguição, ela o pega, mas há um problema. A pessoa que ela capturou é ninguém menos que o comissário Pamir, nome indispensável das operações civis contra o crime organizado. Após esse encontro infeliz, o destino os reúne novamente em uma operação secreta destinada à captura de Tarık Koşuoğlu, um grande contrabandista de armas. Além disso, como marido e mulher. Naz e Pamir são agora os novos vizinhos de Tarık Koşuoğlu, Yaz e Levent Güneş.