Bizarre Clouds aren't Clouds Feb 2021 (planets, moons, asteroids, debris)


Look to the sky. There are signs wonders right above us. These Planetary Bodies, NEO\'s, and UFO\'s are REALLY Close. \nPhotos taken by myself using a Samsung Galaxy The coming of The Son of Man is near. Reading The Word, Repentance, Seek The Most High. 3rd I Cam Youtube channel does awesome work showing the sky and pointing out these objects. \nFaith in The Word. Love. Truth. Good Vibes. Kindness. *Yahushua*

Red Moon RADio


RadFem Radio + Moontime Magickal Musings Political discourse from a radical feminist lens + moontime magickal musings on matriarchal mythology, spiritual feminist history, and womb wisdom. (Radical: Root. Women's oppression has always been - and will always be - rooted in her sex. Exclusively inclusive of all females, even those identifying as men. MERF is more apt, but gender transitioned the term.) I’m a problematic and increasingly troublesome free speech absolutist, former actress, current radfem writer of film, fiction and feminist politics. I’m a politically homeless liberal with a BA double major in Poli Sci and English, a proclivity for dystopia and (possibly) perverse intrigue with the rise of fascistic authoritarianism. Let’s dialogue. Slurs have no impact.