Dreams to Reality Student Pilot's Journey Continues


Explains the struggles and training of being a student pilot. Simulations are used and real-world flying will be added during flight days. Go through the checklist for a Cessna 172 Widescreen Version Instagram @aviation.zac YouTube @adventurezac Equipment used for flight simulators: Honeycomb Alpha Flight Controls Yoke with Honeycomb Aeronautical Bravo Throttle Quadrant Bundle https://amzn.to/3QaT9TJ Honeycomb Aeronautical Alpha Flight Controls Yoke https://amzn.to/3Q9Ca5i Logitech G Saitek PRO Flight Throttle Quadrant https://amzn.to/45tFn41 Tobii Eye Tracker 5 https://amzn.to/3ZMXOzv Logitech G Pro Flight Rudder Pedals https://amzn.to/45wt8n7 Please Subscribe!!!

Deer Ridge Ranch in Montana


Welcome to Deer Ridge Ranch in Montana. This channel will cover all the ins and outs of starting a self-sufficient homestead. We will cover topics such as; decor, farmhouse decorating/style, Real Estate, DIY, fixer-uppers, home businesses, ranching, gardening, and more. My family and I made some massive life changes by moving to a ranch in Livingston, MT, after being big city folk most of our lives. City to Country living aside, we are enduring considerable climate change moving from Florida to Montana. Let me introduce my family. Peter and I have been married for 31 years; we are high school sweethearts. We have two adult sons, Drake and Davis. Davis lives in Livingston. Drake and his wife live in Florida. Please join us here at the Deer Ridge Ranch MT channel which believes life begins at home!