Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam


Jovem Casal Católico. Sejam bem-vindos. Nós somos a Inês, 19 anos, e o Rafael, 21 anos. Criámos este canal com o intuito de incentivar a oração e a contra-cultura nestes tempos modernos, relembrando a Mensagem de Nossa Senhora em Fátima. Desejamos, também, santificar-nos e, quem sabe, ajudar na santificação do próximo através do exemplo, o qual deve ser a base de toda a pregação. Aqui, encontrarão partilhas sobre como vivemos, a forma como pensamos, análises a livros e ao estado do mundo, e também algumas conversas. Santo Inácio de Loyola, rogai por nós São Pio V, rogai por nós São Pio X, rogai por nós Nossa Senhora de Fátima, rogai por nós

Jonah M. Saller


Jonah belongs to the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) as an Anglo-Catholic Christian. He confesses the Holy Scripture, the seven ecumenical councils, and the three catholic creeds (Apostles, Nicene, and Athanasian) as the standard for orthodox Christian belief and practice. Jonah also subscribes to the 39 Articles of Religion as a reflection of Anglicanism's local expression of the catholic faith. Jonah's primary desire is to bring a greater unity to Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church through promoting what he has labeled "Mere Catholicity." He believes that when Christians forsake their tribalism for truth, the Church will indeed become one as our Lord prayed for. Jonah has been heavily influenced by both Eastern and Western fathers. In particular however, St. Thomas Aquinas has had a profound influence on Jonah's theological trajectory. Jonah's modern theological influences include Peter Leithart, Douglas Wilson, Bishop N.T Wright, Peter Kreeft, the Caroline Divines, and the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Jonah is happily married to his wife Megan and currently studies theology academically at Moody Bible Institute. Jonah has been involved in ministry in various forms for over a decade, working in youth ministry, worship ministry, and teaching ministry. Jonah is currently pursuing Holy Orders in the ACNA and further theological education. His ministry has reached hundreds of thousands of people with online videos, podcasts, and various writings.

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