Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.


As the Left takes the reigns of power, this channel will focus on providing content that is both relevant to exposing the hypocrisy, corruption and abuse of the Left, plus keeping our subscriber informed on current conservative news. We will not use content that attempts to deceive, but rather publish content that is data driven and fact checked by our editors. We believe in using the scientific method for assembling data to solve social challenges of today. Hence the reason for our channel name: The Truth. "Truth does not become more true by virtue of the fact that the entire world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it." MAIMONIDES As Google and other media giants continue to censor conservative content even more, we will respond by fighting to get the facts to you nonetheless.

Cooking with Whole Made Living


Hi, I'm Katia! I also go by Kat. I'm the home cook, creator, rookie photographer & videographer behind Whole Made Living. I'm a wife & Mom of 3 boys (Mom of Twins), a schnoodle, named Wolfy and a few chickens we keep for amazing eggs. My husband is the tech guy behind my website, My husband & I are foodies I guess by default, because we both love cooking and creating food and really appreciate the time and love that goes into making really good food from scratch. On this channel, you'll find simple, delicious recipes made from scratch. Every recipe is made and re-made and tested several times to be sure it's great for my audience. We appreciate real food over pre-made and chemical rich prepackaged foods. We put our heart and soul into this website to keep our readers happy and eating good food as well! Enjoy!

The Whole Bible with George Crabb


You will learn how to see Jesus in all of the Bible and how to use the Bible to explain the Bible! On the Road to Emmaus Jesus did that. You will learn where to see Jesus in the Old Testament, prove Christianity is true, so you can help others. I have a passion for helping others to carefully and thoughtfully understand and apply the whole Bible by creating the well-researched biblical content that you have been starving for ever since you first believed. I’m George Crabb, author and bible teacher who has served in ministry for over 25 years in the local church and I have a heavy burden on my heart to get holistic and TRUE Bible teaching and knowledge of Jesus into the lives of others. I want to give you the teaching I’ve been craving for my whole Christian life. I want you to hear me make the case for finding Jesus in all scripture and to be able to reason it through for yourself.