Morgan May 4 Freedom
A channel specializing in animals, nature, scenic and beautiful landscapes
this channel displays the animals lifestyle .pets and predatory
On this channel, you will watch beautiful and wonderful videos of cute animals. Enjoy watching you ....
Welcome! For those who don't know me, I'm Michael. I was a former capo for the Colombo crime family back in the 1980s & best known for being one of the top money earners for the mob since Al Capone. Fortunately, I've been able to walk away from that life and reinvent myself (unlike many of my associates during that time).
Funny Animals moments and funny Cats and Dogs clips and funny moments very funny channel for these type of clips
I talk about politics.
all the truths
Scholar of the inexplicable. Curator of the bizarre. The Paranormal Scholar explores paranormal mysteries and dark histories in the form of documentaries and top lists. Our research includes: ghosts, spirits and poltergeists; paranormal legends, folklore and history; exorcisms and demonically possessed people; anomalous experiences including time slips; vampires, werewolves, monsters and cryptids; and, UFOs and aliens. Created by Laura and Erik Rowton, the makers of "In Search of the Dead". The Paranormal Scholar® is a Registered Trademark. © Ethereal Productions
Funny kids and animals channel
I will upload videos arranged with life pictures of different pets or wild animals. The main purpose of this channel is to show different images of cats and dogs, their daily life.
Here are something that makes you laughing
Come and join me and Mook Mafia while I fumble my way through RPG'S, and adventures. Dont forget to have a good time!
In this channel, I intend to show the daily life of animals in the field. In addition to the animals raised on the site, I will also show wild animals that live there.
INFORMAZIONI DETTAGLIATE DEL Computer Quantistico #QFS - da ASHTAR COMMAND e i PLEIADIANI I video e le informazioni condivise in questo canale sono informazioni reali inviati da benevoli ET che ancora oggi sono presenti sul nostro pianeta . Le informazioni da noi fornite sono moltissime , quindi per capire bene come funziona la nuova tecnologia e necessario che viviate questa pagina come una scuola , dovrete studiarle e metterle in pratica . Q F S - SISTEMA FINANZIARIO QUANTISTICO - La parola stessa lo dice Quantico significa che questa tecnologia si interfaccia con il DNA umano , conosce la vostra posizione di conseguenza sa sempre ciò che inviate e ciò che ricevete . Sa innanzitutto che state ricevendo tali informazioni Sa del vostro sistema di credenze installato nel vostro cervello Sa se commentate e con quale vibrazione lo fate. ALLINEAMENTO ALLE NUOVE TECNOLOGIE AL 2023. Questa tecnologia e presa in custodia da ET benevoli e se prendete consapevolezza di essere già agganciati a questa nuova rete anche se non avete conti la vostra vita cambierà in un modo quantico - ASCENDERETE ALLA 5D OVE NON ESISTE IL MALE - Il male può esistere solo se si contribuisce in qualche modo ad alimentarlo , ammettiamo che il mondo e stato governato da ET malevoli ma , se prendete consapevolezza che sono stati alimentati da coloro che li temevano fareste bene d'ora in avanti a mantenere le vibrazioni al positivo , in quanto questo mondo è sotto la vigilanza dei Cappelli Bianchi. IL QFS VI CONOSCE , DIO SA TUTTO. Quindi non parliamo solo delle finanze , il computer ha memorizzato tutto fin da quando e nata la terra Il computer Quantico e più vecchio della terra , e stato inventato molto prima che il pianeta stesso venisse creato. Immagine e somiglianza , anche le tecnologie terrestri inventate dall'uomo , infatti esse sono state canalizzate dall'inventore dell'epoca ed erano le stesse entità che oggi abbiamo presenti sul pianeta. ANCHE ADESSO MENTRE SCRIVO QUESTO POST DI BENVENUTO. Vi vogliono solo ricordare di prendere in mano la vostra consapevolezza non delegate il male non prendetevela con il male, esso è solo più un residuo che non può resistere su un PIANETA ASCESO . anche se con inferiorità di persone ascese, questi ET ad alta vibrazione sono incarnati sulla terra , essi sono la pulizia del vecchia vibrazione , essi sono nella politica , sono in mezzo a famiglie. Rilassati , concentrati solo nel bene , DIO sa tutto e in primis conosce anche te che leggi , e io che ho scritto . BUON LAVORO ASHTAR COMMAND 169443 ATON Animals are a lost art that is now surfacing after many years underground. Everyone has an animal spirit that resides with and protects them, much like a guardian angel. The relationship with your Power Animals develops over time based on the effort that is made. The more you connect with the spirit of your animal, the more will be revealed to you. Your Power Animal loves you unconditionally and can help heal any self-criticism or lack of self-esteem that many people have inside. Trusting your power animal and working with it will inspire and keep you safe. Your power animal brings out your latent abilities, protects you, and connects you with the unseen world of spirit. Our goal is to help people who want to discover and connect with their Power Animal.
I love to make videos for cute, beautiful and endangered animal
MMA Fighting Best Knockouts
CURLYKIDLIFE3 is your ultimate destination for funny animal videos. If you like cute and funny compilations of pets and animals, than this is the channel for you. Enjoy! If you want to see your cute pet featured on this channel, click the submit your own videos to the following link below!
Dest animals
Here you will see all kinds of cute and beautiful birds and animals in the world
I Can Show You The Random Animals Video
Here, you will watch funny animals and amazing
AlexTheMarshal official Rumble channel.
WorldZooAnimals new channel for animals inside zoo
MMA Fighting: UFC, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) News, Results Wrestling and striking where different limbs of the body such as kicks and punches are involved, as an act of human aggression, has probably existed throughout the world throughout the history of mankind in close combat, being the form of more natural aggression a combination of these as can be observed in a more basic way in attacks by mammals closer to man such as the chimpanzee or the gorilla. At the competition level, different types of boxing and wrestling have existed throughout humanity, being combined in competitions in numerous cases. In Ancient China, combat sport appeared in the form of Leitai, a no-holds-barred mixed combat sport that combined Chinese martial arts, boxing and wrestling. The Pancrastinae: A statue portraying the pancratium, an event which took place in the Roman Colosseum. Even as late as the Early Middle Ages, statues were put up in Rome and other cities to honor remarkable pankratiasts. This statue, now part of the Uffizi collection, is a Roman copy of a lost Greek original, circa 3rd century BC. A scene of Ancient Greek pankratiasts fighting. Originally found on a Panathenaic amphora, Lamberg Collection. In Ancient Greece, there was a sport called pankration, which featured grappling and striking skills similar to those found in modern MMA. Pankration was formed by combining the already established wrestling and boxing traditions and, in Olympic terms, first featured in the 33rd Olympiad in 648 BC. All strikes and holds were allowed with the exception of biting and gouging, which were banned. The fighters, called pankratiasts, fought until someone could not continue or signaled submission by raising their index finger; there were no rounds. According to the historian E. Norman Gardiner, "No branch of athletics was more popular than the pankration."There is also evidence of similar mixed combat sports in Ancient Egypt, India and Japan.
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