ILANA Mercer is paleolibertarian author, essayist and theorist. She has been doing verbal swordplay since 1999, to advance First Principles, as against American imperial wars and hegemony; and for a multipolar world with national and individual sovereignty for all. She is described as a system-builder. Distilled, the Mercer modus operandi has been to methodically apply first principles to the day’s events with verve, vim, and muscular style. ILANA is Jewish. She grew up in Israel from which she fled, aged 19, never to return. Her focus, since October of 2023, has been genocide. A war against civilians is a war on civilization. Or, as one sage succinctly put it, "At a time of genocide; genocide is the only issue."



Crime Champs provides original and unbiased Police Body Camera Footage, Dash Camera Footage, Interrogations, 1st Amendment Audits, ID Refusal and everything related to True Crime. We publish original and exclusive footage that may not have been broadcasted online. The videos Crime Champs have obtained are all original videos through Public Records Requests. We intend to broadcast this channel and videos as an educational and informational source of news. Feel free to contribute to the channel ⇨ Subscribe (IT'S FREE) ⇨ For Any Inquires: ⇨ FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Not withstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright. DISCLAIMER NOTICE: None of our videos should be considered a "CALL TO ACTION." The content is created to be educational or is newsworthy and of interest to the public. We are not attorneys. Our videos should not be construed as legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if you believe that you are a victim of police misconduct. The facts presented in our videos are not indicative of our personal opinions. Laws, case law, ordinances, policies, legal doctrine, and all other jurisprudence is subject to the interpretation of the court. The videos shown are designed to be educational, and informative. They should never serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The content provided is in no way intended to provoke, incite or shock the viewer. Our content is created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and to emphasize the importance of constitutional awareness. All claims made are alleged.

Mech149 EDM


Channel of Original Electronic Music Producer Mech149 playlist. Enjoy chillout, downtempo, smooth jazz, and more. Perfect for relaxing, studying, or unwinding after a long day. Be sure to follow like and subscribe with notifications! All music is original and free to use. Mech149 Music is 100% royalty free. So you are free to use in your own video's and live streams. Mech149 is an American based electronic music producer and guitarist. He has written numerous tracks as a ghost for over 10 years. Add me to your playlist! Mad Thanks for listening! Links: Buy Me A Coffee:)

EVCG: The Revenge


Dig this: Dig these too: : "Well what if I'd prefer to read what you're about rather than watch extra video and click other links, homeboy?" : "Well then here ya go, homeskillet..." Hello and welcome to Evidence Violates Community Guidelines...! Nuked on Amazon, Linktree, PostImage, Twitter, and YouTube one or more times since 2018. Please feel free to promote and mirror my work if you dig it. I make vids, memes, and more. This channel will include golden oldies, groovy newbies, and edgy edits. Mine interests include: having fun; learning what’s true; preserving all ethnicities and races; promoting what augurs lasting peace, prosperity, and sustainability for all peoples; premodern arts; nonpoliticized sports; selfdefense; selfimprovement; civilization. Please -do- comment if you’re going to be polite, intelligent, and professional. Please -don’t- comment if you’re going to engage in spamming, sperging, trolling, shout-caps, libel, racial epithets, or violent incitement. Peace and blessings to all good people everywhere.

Dad Gamer Club


Hi! I'm a Dad Gamer and Casual sharing my experiences in RPGs and MMOs. I've been playing RPGs and FPS games for decades. My first game was Super Mario Bros. and Duckhunt back in ye-olde NES days. Followed that up with The Legend of Zelda and platform games for nearly a decade. In the 90s, I was introduced to RPGs via a little game called Harvest Moon. That peaked my interest into RPGs, although didn't solidify my love for them. It wasn't until Final Fantasy 7 that my switch to RPGs was complete. I fell in love with that game and it continues to be my favorite game to this day. My love of the game led to me becoming a relatively devoted fan of Squaresoft, Square and Square Enix RPGs playing the following FF games from that point on. This led me to my second love, World of Warcraft. My experiences with WoW began playing off my brother's account. This eventually led to me having my own account during Warlords of Draenor. I've been hooked ever since.