Radiation Matters


Alpha waves in the human brain are between 6 and 8 hertz, All biological systems operate in the same frequency range. The human brain’s alpha waves function in this range and the electrical resonance of the earth is between 6 and 8 hertz. Thus, our entire biological system – the brain and the earth itself – work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.. Nikola Tesla If you want to support my work from the heart: http://paypal.me/RadiationMatters and thank you

Rabbi Mizrachi


Please subscribe to get notified of new videos. This is not a monetized channel and therefore no videos will be searchable. The official channel of Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. הרב יוסף מזרחי הערוץ הרשמי As of 2011 Rabbi Mizrachi ( רב מזרחי ) has spoke in more than 4000 lectures, participated in many weekend seminars, radio shows, and others in English and Hebrew. These events have affected the lives of thousands of Jews which became observance of Torah and Mitzvohs. In 2004 Rabbi Mizrachi started a very successful website called DivineInformation.com that contains hundreds of lectures and videos in English and Hebrew. There are literally thousands of Baaley Teshuva from all the activities, many of them learning Torah in some of the best Yeshivas in Israel and the USA. Please know that according to the Torah the best investment a person can make is helping others learn Torah and know Hashem. Help Rabbi Mizrachi continue to educate Jewish men and women to become closer to Hashem by making your donation.

Matthew Lohmeier


Matthew Lohmeier is a public speaker, consultant, and author of the bestselling book Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military. In May 2021, Matt published Irresistible Revolution. For publishing and speaking about his book, then-Lieutenant Colonel Lohmeier was relieved of his command and subjected to an Inspector General investigation launched from the Pentagon. Matt separated from active duty on September 1, 2021, and is now a highly sought public speaker and private consultant on matters of Marxist ideology and tactics, CRT, the betterment of military culture, and the preservation of our liberties. On this channel, Matt will discuss a wide range of topics including politics, philosophy, history, and society, as well as share his views on current and popular events. For more information visit: https://matthewlohmeier.com Welcome to the Matt Lohmeier Show 🎙️