We The People of Northwest Louisiana


We the People of Northwest Louisiana provide information for candidates running for office and for issues affecting the American way of life. People make better decisions at election time when they are informed about the candidates and issues presented on the ballots. They also are provided information on those issues proposed to our legislators who are voting in the legislative sessions. They can better determine whether their legislators are representing them as their constituents during the legislative sessions.

Louisiana Politics and Election Integrity


Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC, Louisiana Citizens Advocacy Group (LACAG) and Citizens for Election Integrity are grassroots groups that have committed to restoring the core values of constitutional governance and election transparency to the State of Louisiana. Visit our social media sites for articles, videos, and documents covering a wide range of topics important to the citizens of Louisiana Louisiana Power Coalition, LLC: https://www.facebook.com/LouisianaPowerCoalition/ LACAG: https://www.lacag.org/ Louisiana Citizens for Election Integrity:

Lou Scatigna, The Financial Physician


Louis Scatigna, CFP® is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Professional who is also known as The Financial Physician. For more than 36 years, he has combined his knowledge and experience to establish himself as an expert on financial planning and financial literacy. He is consistently clear explaining complex financial ideas that everyone can understand. For over 20 years, he has shared his knowledge on his radio show The Financial Physician, which now airs on 92.7 WOBM FM. In 2009, he shared his financial tips and tricks in his book Financial Physician. He is a popular speaker who has been featured in major media outlets such as CNN, USA Today, Dallas Morning News, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC.



I post gameplay and other stuff. 💂 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 💂 <-------------------------> 📷 Visit my Instagram, which is linked on this page, firstly, to see my posts, secondly, to see a link to my Linktree, which shows my profiles across different platforms, and thirdly, to see a link to my Threads, which I use to share updates and other content. <-------------------------> Other Rumbles: + User Profile: NebulousNova - Music Channel: Zambent - Community Channel: NadaChance