slinkymoon - Healing Music and Sounds


Spiritual lover of Nature, Yoga, Meditation and life in general whilst on this incredible journey! This channel aims to focus around music and sounds for Relaxation & Meditation. Sounds that can also help relieve stress, negative feelings and also help enhance positive energy by learning how to find inner peace and heal ones self with the healing possibilities of sound. The social media journey that I am about to embark on is also a new journey - so any help in growing the channel along the way from those who like the content I create, either by sharing, subscribing or even just a ''👍'' would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to view the channel and I wish you all a fantastic day and all that follow. 🙏

Zanka Tv


Toplumun medya özlemini çektiği tarafsızlık, samimiyet ve sakinlikte, yazılı ve görsel içerikler ile yalnızca siyasetin değil insanlığın gündemini belirleyen haberlerin uluslararası habercilik mantığı ile paylaşıldığı ve konusunda uzman isimlerin köşelerinde, insana ve topluma dair meselelere değindiği bir medya ağı olan Zanka, sorunları ve çözümleri vicdani bir yaklaşımla toplumsal tespitleri içerisinde barındırıyor. İşbirliklerimiz için;

Uplink Ministries


Uplink Ministries // God • People • Connected We are solidly Bible-based and believe that the gifts and fruit of the Spirit should be practiced! We work to create an atmosphere where “everyone gets to play”. We are not a spectator-type of church. We meet in a room that may look more like a coffee house with tables and chairs and a couple of microphones for people to use as the Spirit leads, so people can exercise their gifts of encouragement, revelation, discernment, and prophecy among others. During worship and even during the teaching we encourage a more “conversational” atmosphere where we hear what God is saying and doing through each other. N85W15770 Appleton Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Sunday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

TexLink Verified


Tips, Short Segments and Commentary on The Legend of Zelda TexLink videos are mostly either to tell a story or to demonstrate something in a way that a casual player hopefully could replicate. There is no intent to show off perfection. Videos about specific games will have their abbriviation in the title: Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK): Breath of the Wild (BOTW): Ocarina of Time (OOT):