Keenumbers - Math for Kids Who Love Numbers (K-6)


Every child needs to know how to problem-solve. So, we make zany, educational math for kids who love numbers: guides ("curriculum" for all those highfalutin educational types), videos, and more! (Cue 90's Movie Trailer Guy Voice) We're helping students problem-solve, usually in 10 minutes or less. Homeschoolers, remote or distance learners, kiddos who want extra reps - learn at your pace! Pause, rewind, or accelerate learning this language we call MATH. Support us by buying us an avocado - or join the Greater Gator's class to unlock all educational content!

Kellie-Jay Keen


This is the original RUMBLE #AdultHumanFemale channel and home of Kellie-Jay Keen aka Posie Parker. If you would like to donate to help support us, click here ⇨ NOW BACK ON TWITTER!!! ⇨ Click here for the Let Women Speak site, with links to all social media, events, memberships, actions, and more! ⇨ TERF TALK TUESDAY! Every Tuesday at 8pm UK time Kellie-Jay hosts a call in show on YouTube! Freephone UK - 0800 058 4204 Freephone US - 877 729 1771 Freephone Canada - 888 835 6088 Freephone Australia - 1800 959 819 Freephone New Zealand - 800 441 607 Rest of the world - +44 204 515 2251 STREAMING ON Promoted by Kellie-Jay Keen on behalf of Party Of Women, at 3rd Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE