The Hazard Gaming


Guys, Girls, Lads and Ladies.. Welcome to The Hazard Gaming. I go by Haz and I enjoy long walks on all the beaches. I mean.. who TF doesn't! But that's not why you are here. I play games of any genre but the ones I enjoy are: factory automation, ARPG, stratagy, souls like, open world, RPG, space simulation and sometimes a good FPS. PC Master Race Aficionado! My current rig is a $1,500 gaming laptop. My previous rig I built myself. Aside from a couple of sticks of ram, a GPU and PSU update at the 5 year mark, it lasted 13 years before it carked it. So.. this channel. I will be crafting videos on my impressions, reviews, playthroughs and occasionally some guides, of games old and new. I love returning to games after some more dev time. I'll be throwing in some good ole Aussie humour and slang, and not taking anything too serious. Water off a ducks back mate! And no shrimps on no barbies! Throw a good snag at it! Nah you're roight mate! SUBSCRIBE and you'll be right as rain mate!

Hazárd megye lordjai (The Dukes of Hazzard) HD720p


Hazárd megyében semmi sem az, aminek látszik. Luke és Bo Duke, a két unokatestvér nagykanállal eszi a vidéki életet. A srácok, ha dönteniük kell, ritkán választják a törvényes megoldásokat, és mivel főfoglalkozásban az alkoholcsempészettel foglalkoznak, a helyi rendőrség járőreivel napi rendszerességgel meggyűlik a bajuk. Ám az álmos hétköznapokat (hideg sörök, nagy bunyók, gyors nők, és még gyorsabb autók) megzavarja egy felfedezés: a korrupt rendőrfőnök olyasmiben mesterkedik, ami gazdaggá tenné őt, és koldusszegénnyé mindenki mást a környéken. A srácok nem sokat vacakolnak. Tövig nyomják a gázpedált, felkészülnek az ökölharcra, és kiegyenesítenek pár kanyart. Ez életük legnagyobb bulija: Hazárd megye az ő kezükben van. A két unokatestvér Lee tábornok nevű autójukon száguldozva tartják szemmel a megye dolgait, s tesznek igazságot ott, ahol szükség van rájuk.

The PRAZOR House


The PRAZOR House is a Christian music podcast with fun and lighthearted content hosted by Brandon Bailey and Mike Rathke. In each episode the guys discuss trending topics in Christian music and entertainment with special guests from the industry. Mike and Brandon’s Christian faith combined with their passion for music and their great sense of humor breathes new life into Christian music podcasts. The best part is they have fun while bringing an edifying and enjoyable experience for everyone. Join them each episode as they welcome new guests, ideas and laughter. The PRAZOR House is where people become family along this journey of life, inviting others along the way!

Kayak USA


My name is T.J. and I'm an Outdoor enthusiast, I Love Hunting, Fishing, Kayaking, Camping, Overlanding and building cool stuff! I love to make kayak D.I.Y. videos and outdoor gear review videos. If you like Kayaking, Fishing, Camping, Hunting or just being outside then you are in the right place!! Come along with me as I go on new kayaking and camping adventures across the U.S. Thanks for watching and God Bless !! For all business inquiries or if you want me to review your products, Email me at - Mystery Tackle Box link: Help me build my channel! SUBSCRIBE and SHARE

Oak Hill Crew ATV, Kayaking, Outdoor fun


OakHillCrew is about getting together with friends and family, finding adventure to connect, and creating lasting memories. We are starting out as a group of family and friends. Located in St. Stephen New Brunswick and are looking to grow The “OHC” Crew all over the world =). You will find us ATV’ing, ridge running, biking and hoping to expand more as we grow the brand and the channel. We would love to have everyone Join The “OHC” Crew.