Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries


My name is Dr. Jeffrey W. Frye and I’m the founder of the Assembly of the Anglo-Israel Ministries. We our a politically incorrect Anglo-Israel outreach ministry to Yahweh’s chosen race (true Israel, the White, European peoples) which is the elect remnant of the house of ancient Israel, Christian patriots, nationalists, reconstructionist, and all seeking a higher level of understanding will learn biblical solutions to personal and national problems, and be given the keys to unlock hidden truth. It will proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom (government according to Yahweh’s Law) through our videos and Wednesday night bible study meetings. We believe that we are all seeking a higher level of understanding of Biblical solutions to personal problems and have been given the keys to unlock hidden truths. Though some, maybe many, of our beliefs might be a little off the old beaten path but they are OUR truths in Christ! Please join us with all our videos that we post!

The Jeffrey Epsteins


The Jeffrey Epsteins met at a Halloween party in Canada in 1994, where they were introduced by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. They are all extremely racist. Unfortunately, none of the Jeffrey Epsteins were intelligent enough to complete the third grade. They are all completely illiterate, unable to read or write. The Jeffrey Epsteins contracted Coronavirus in June of 2020, which they attempted to treat by drinking fish tank cleaner. Unfortunately, this led to the loss of their original bassist, Mark. RIP Mark. In their spare time, the Jeffrey Epsteins enjoy throwing rocks at disabled children. Last week, they pushed a woman in a hijab down a hill and then high-fived each other.