

| ✝️ | Rise Against The Machines | News, history, culture, entertainment, everything. Backup Channel >>> www.bitchute.com/channel/PnpVAt29rxzi Jesus Christ is 👑‼️ (NKJV) John 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." (NKJV) Ephesians 2:8-10 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Gettr: @TheVitaminGuy Rumble: @MinutemanWatch Parlor: @UNFilteredNetwork Gab: @UNFilteredNetwork Anchor.fm Podcast: Minuteman Watch Instagram: @minuteman_media THIS IS THE PLAN OF ACTION, MINUTEMEN ASSEMBLE! BOYCOTTS are an OBVIOUS, peaceful solution to counter corruption. Demands for government integrity, freedom, secure borders & pardons will have WAY more power once enough people back them up with boycotts. Money talks in a language that corrupt politicians and their big tech/media/pharma/bank/WEF cronies understand. Why is there NOT EVEN ONE famous, pro-freedom politician or media personality promoting an action plan to unite & rally people to counter corruption & censorship? They could rally millions with JUST 1 TWEET Meanwhile J6ers & Assange are endlessly suffering in jail and the Constitution is ignored. They need help NOW, without waiting for elections. ACTION PLAN FOR IMMEDIATE CHANGE to counter the corruption & censorship by media/tech/pharma giants and politicians: 1)Cancel Cable/Streaming/Satellite TV 2)Do Not donate money to politicians & consider boycotting companies that give them money or pay them for speeches. Boycott Google,Apple,Facebook,Amazon,Microsoft,Netflix,Paypal,Vanguard,Blackrock,WEF partners & other tech/media/finance/pharma giants Consider selling shares of big tech/media/finance/pharma stocks & mutual funds & investing in pro-freedom companies, like Rumble. 3)Bank with small local banks Pay cash whenever possible 4)Demand IMMEDIATE pardons for Assange, Snowden, J6 prisoners & other truth tellers 5) Demand secure borders(land air, sea) Demand transparent elections in which any citizen can verify their votes were counted accurately with a receipt. 6)Use web browsers like Brave, edge, wolf, Use search engines like Brave, startpage, yandex Use email like ProtonMail, sekurmail, Post videos to Rumble, Bitchute & Odysee 7)Use a Linux OS like Linux Mint on your PC rather than Windows, Mac, Chrome OS Almost any PC can be switched to Linux. Linux is free Use a DE googled phone(can buy one on ebay) rather than iPhone/Google Android Use a Linux PC on your TV with wireless keyboard & touchpad for videos rather than smart TV apps/apple TV/roku/firestick Feel free to copy, paste and share this.