EasyShiksha is an endeavour of HawksCode Softwares Pvt. Ltd. We initiated this platform in 2012, with an aim to improvise the e-learning scenario on a global level.


The EasyShiksha portal provides an integrated platform, serving a multitude of user-types such as students, faculties, educational institutes, universities, and coaching institutes. Our platform provides a one-stop solution for all the aforementioned entities. Students can easily search, register, enrol and get Certificate of Course Completion which is valid across industry and adds credibility to their profile. Students can also explore thousands of colleges with EasyShiksha.

May Namit Katiyar grow Rumble but will definitely put 2 to 3 videos per day. Our aim is to make Rumble reach the stage of YouTube.


"HELLO WELCOME दोस्तों...मैं हूँ 'Namit Katiyar' और आप देख रहे हैं Namit Technical Gyan !" My Dear Friend, ये आप का ही चैनल है..आपको इस चैनल पर सभी जानकारियां FUNNY STYLE में मिलेंगी। इसमें हम जानकारी शेयर करते Technical Videos,Technical Gyan & Reparing तथा OTHER STUFF के बारे में! बहुत बहुत स्वागत है आपका अपने ही चैनल " Namit Technical Gyan" में और हफ्ते में 5 से ज्यादा वीडियो डालने की कोशिश रहती है जिनमें यदि आपने अभी ' Namit Technical Gyan ' की प्यारी-सी Family को Join नहीं किया है तो अभी कर लो जी! Take Care! ध्यान रखें अपना.. मिलते है अगली वीडियो में! Follow करके जाना जी! Namit Katiyar From Uttar Pradesh (India)