THIS Channel Is Dedicated To GOD Almighty, Jesus Christ, And The Holy Spirit; And It’s For GOD Almighty’s Glory (NEVER Our Own); To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (THROUGH The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With The World, IN ORDER TO REVEAL – GOD Almighty’s Amazing Saving GRACE, AND GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Using, GOD Almighty’s WORD (THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH – The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) As Our TEXTBOOK, While Standing Firm – On Our Biblical WorldView; WE KNOW, That Jesus Christ ABIDES WITHIN Us – Through The Holy Spirit; Therefore, Jesus Christ – WALKS WITH Us, The Holy Spirit – TEACHES Us, AND Most Importantly, GOD Almighty – WATCHES OVER Us, Always; We (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty) Are Jesus Christ’s LIGHT Upon A World Full Of Darkness (The Darkness Of Satan); Therefore, May HIS LIGHT Shine So Brightly – Through Us, That People See Jesus – NOT Us! Amen.

Two Roads Crossing


Have you ever wondered how faith and veterinary medicine fit together? Do you struggle finding balance between your vocation and your spiritual life? Do those two things even go together? With Two Roads Crossing, Dr. Barry Schwenk, a veterinarian and pastor, talks with those that have navigated through these real issues. So, sit back and listen to these relaxed conversations between veterinarians, vet students, pastors, and industry leaders as they discuss life and living well at the intersection of Two Roads Crossing. Interested in learning more about the intersection of faith and veterinary medicine? Go to

You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons.


Our store has a wide range of Christian products & gifts. You can buy: crosses & crucifixes, Christian Jewelry, rosary, candles, bible incenses and oils, bracelets, nativity scenes, christian sets, icons. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims come to Jerusalem every year. However, not everyone can afford such a trip for a number of reasons: there is no time or opportunity. We work hard to ensure that you receive the highest quality Christian goods right from the heart of the Holy Land. Products from the Holy Land will make your home atmosphere more comfortable and your mood will become godly and joyful