Creative Society for the whole world


The international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website

Belief Hole Podcast


Paranormal, fringe ideas.. and brother fights. Three brothers explore, question and debate strange mysteries, from the average Bigfoot encounter to the fringiest of fringe theories about reality and history, challenging their own beliefs and often each other's sanity. Good humor, good drinks and good discussion. Join us as we present true Dogman Encounters, explore the David Paulides' Missing 411 Phenomena, posit theories on National Parks Mysteries and Strange Disappearances, Expose the Sky Whale Phenomena, and so much more!

The Ashholes


The Ash Holes is a live podcast all about cigars! We talk about anything in the industry that needs discussing, with no filter. Our style may be a little rough around the edges, but we get to the heart of the issue – no matter what it is! If you want to learn more about premium cigars and have a great time while you do it, spend some time with us every week. Fire yourself up a stogie, kick back, and stay up to date on the world of cigars. SUBSCRIBE TO THE ASH HOLES PODCAST

Lifted InnerTainment


Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd is the first sitcom podcast from Lifted Inner Tainment. This is the complete journey from the life of a very open-minded and free thinker with a conspiracy theorist thought process. Inspired to find the answers in life utilizing the resources from nature for scientific research documentation. Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd gets LIT and delivers the most epic content with each adventurous trip. The conclusion to as many topics discussed for each episode is handled with a proven unique discovery method. Enjoy the complete first season of the Rabbit Hole Thirty3rd: Season About Nothing. Season 2: Never For Nothing post weekly episodes. Like, comment and share Lifted Inner Tainment's golden LIT clips to allow this new sitcom podcast to continue!